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Jaemin rolled his eyes in annoyance seeing the three entered the class together, we'll actually no, he's annoyed because his "soulmate" is with his friend, he looked away when he felt renjun's glare on him

"Sorry Mr.Park for being late"somi said to the teacher, "it's okay, the nurse already informed me about what happened, you can go to your seats now "Mr. Park smiled

"Thank you, sir"the three bowed making their way to their respective seats but first, Renjun guided y/n to her seat before going to him

Jaemin scoffed at the view, rolling his eyes

"Better be kind to your soulmate before it's too late"jeno whispered "whatever, "the stubborn one said leaning his back on his chair

"Why do you have to bring that girl to the clinic?! huh?"jaemin questioned Renjun as soon as they all gathered for lunch "what's wrong about me doing that?" the older said,

"Because-" he paused trying to find a reason, "it's because she's his soulmate,"jeno said, sitting beside his best friend

"Then why be an a**hole whenever she's there?"Renjun stated looking straight at jaemin with a killer glare

"I- I just- I don't like her, is there any problem? Why don't you just freaking tell me why the heck do you have to bring her to that clinic?!"jaemin asked in annoyance

"Changing the topic, I see"donghyuck cooed "shut up hyuck, "jaemin said "She has an extreme fear of blood"Renjun suddenly said "what did you say?"jaemin asked

"I said, she has an extreme fear of blood, why do you have to put a dead rat on her locker?! she almost can't breathe in nervousness!" injun yelled no trying to gather the student's attention

"I told you already I hate her"jaemin tolled his eyes, "but why be like that to her?!" asked Renjun

"Hyung please stop fighting, "chenle said holding renjun's shoulder, "please hyung we're still in school" begged the youngest member

"I lost my appetite, I'm done, "jaemin said walking way not forgetting to sent Renjun a deadly glare

"That kid never learns, "Renjun said taking a sip on his banana milk

"He'll fall for her sooner or later, just watch"hyuck said

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