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"Somi you wouldn't believe what just happened!!"y/n squealed

They are now at Somi's room, hanging out

"Why? what happened?"somi asked, confused

"Somi, I just-- we kissed somi we kissed!!!"

"Wait-what? who did you kissed?"

"Jaemin-ACKKKK I can't believe it"y/n squealed

"Then you guys are connected now, I mean you guys are soulmate but now, the connection became much stronger now that you guys.........kissed, "somi said

"What do you mean?"she asked still wearing a smile on her face

"When you kissed your soulmate, you can communicate with them through telepathy and can feel their pain too so if you're sick he can feel it too"somi explained

"Watch that's awesome"

"I know right"

"Some, it's quite late now, I should go home now, "y/n said looking at the clock wall

"Should I accompany you?"

"No it's okay, I go home alone" she insists

Walking through the dark alley, again
Despite of almost being killed

Y/n was calmly walking and was trapped in her thoughts, not caring about her surroundings

Jaemin, was walking in the same direction as her, and no, he's not following her, it's just that his destination is the same way as Y/n's

He was on his phone until he heard a scream, he knows it belongs to his 'soulmate',y/n

He looked up only to see a black car, and Y/n was nowhere to be found

"YAH!" he yelled
"YAH! STOP THE CAR!!" he said

He tried to run as fast as he can to stop the car but it was way to faster for him to chase

But then, he remembered something, more like a place

"CHAN!! BANG CHAN!!!"jaemin yelled, again pressing the doorbell

He ran to Bang Chan's house because he knows that they were related and he knows that It'll be easy to get y/n back if he informed her brother

Someone finally opened the gate and an annoyed Chan was now facing him

"What do you want?"Chan asked
"I-- Y/n!"

"What's up with my sister?" the older furrowed his eyebrows

"She-- She was kidnapped"jaemin managed to say, nervousness can be heard in his voice

"She what?!"
"She was kidnapped Chan, please we need to get her back,"jaemin said

"FELIX!!" chan called
"Yes chan"

"Call my mom" chan commanded
"But why-"

"Y/n was kidnapped"when those words left chan's mouth, Felix knew that he should really call chan's mother, he immediately ran inside screaming 'red code' all the way

"Jaemin, come inside and tell us what happened"


"Let me go! please!"y/n screamed, tears coming out from her eyes

"Shut up before I cut off your tongue"the one that is driving said

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, it felt like she already heard that voice, then her eyes widened in fear

"Auntie, why? why would you do this to me?"y/n cried

"Shut up and don't call me that, you're nothing to us"

Y/n cried and cried 'til she passed out

"Jaemin tell us now," Chan said while patting her mother's shoulder to comfort

"We were just walking in an alley then suddenly a black car pull up then get y/n,"jaemin said

"Oh Gosh my poor daughter "chan's mother cried

"Jaemin did you at least remember the plate number or any detail of the car?"Somi asked, they also called her because she deserves to know what's happening with her best friend

"The window in the back was broken and there are two letters written at the window at the back "

"What is it?"Seungmin asked


"why is it ao familiar?"sihyeol said, her phone rings, signaling that someone just calls

{ On the Phone}


"Hello sister"

"Seola why did you call?"

"Don't you feel... Ya know suspicious?"

"And why is that?"

"You're so funny Sihyeol and also so stupid" seola chuckles

"What do you mean?"

"Okay we have Y/n"

"So you are the one who kidnapped her, where did you take her? huh?!" she said making the people around her eyes widened

"Easy sister easy, she's still asleep.....for now"

"What do you want Seola?!" she asked, frustrated

"I only need one thing for you...."

"And what is that?"

"One Million Dollar, that's all"

"Send me the location"

"I'll text it to you maybe...later, and sihyeol unnie, you can't come with anyone, only you can come"

"I got it"

"Byeee" then the call ended

"Who is that mom?" chan asked
"It's Seola Chan, my sister "sihyeol again, cried

"She needs a million dollar for us to get y/n back" she continues

"It's okay mom, we'll get her back" chan comforted his mother

"OWW, did someone pour a cold water on me?!"jaemin asked

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