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"Here are your 5 bowls "y/n handed somi the last bowl of rice with her favorite dish on it,somi begged y/n to grab her one last bowl because she was complaining that her stomach aches but she's still hungry, so y/n had no choice but to grab some for her dear friend somi

"Y/n"somi called,y/n snapped her head towards her, furrowing one of her eyebrows," can you please grab me a juice, here's my bottle, "somi said,y/n playfully rolled her eyes at the older, "please~"somi begged, "okay fine, "y/n said, giving up

"Yey, you're the best!"somi said "am not," she said walking away

"Som-"a boy bumped into her causing the juice on the somi's bottle spill on the both of them, "WHAT THE HECK?!" they both said in unison, "Oh my! Y/n!!"somi said approaching the two, "Watch where you going?!"The guy said, dusting his now wet shirt

"i-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it" she stuttered, she's having an anxiety attack, almost all of the students were looking at them


"Jaemin enough! she's a new student here"somi said, glaring at the guy," SO WHAT?! I DON'T CARE" He said at somi, "She's right, she's my new classmate, please jaemin just let it pass" another guy from behind jaemin agreed, "Fine!" he said then again looking at the poor girl behind somi

"And you, next time watch where you going," he said before walking away,y/n was near from collapsing, glad somi was quick to catch her, "Let's just skip our next class y/n, "somi said,y/n nodded and let somi guide her to where the rooftop was located

"Come on y/n, we're about to get late"somi whined "I already told you for the nth time that I'm going to take a while, "y/n said, fixing her hair

Y/n decided to only skip one class because she said it's her first day and she didn't want the people around the school to think that she was a lazy student or something
"Okay I think I'm done, "y/n said "finally, "somi said

"Oh wait!"y/n stopped her tracks making somi look at her "what now?!"somi asked, "I think I forgot something..."y/n said tapping her finger on her chin to look like she was thinking of something "what is it?"somi asked with an annoyed tone on her voice, "Oh! yea-my water bottle!You can go first, I might take a while finding it there" she informed her friend

Somi looked at her worriedly before saying "Are you sure Y/n?You know what happened early-"somi was cut off by y/n
"Okay I got, I promise I'm going to be fine, just go, you'll be late in out p.e. class," she said pushing somi so that somi can go to class, "okay take care, "somi said waving at her friend before sprinting in the now-empty hallway

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