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"AHHHH!!"y/n screamed as she saw a mark on her arm where she felt pain earlier, "What the heck is this?!"She said caressing her arm, "what should I do?" she asked herself in panic

"Should I call somi, she told me she already found her soulmate" she thought "Yes maybe I should call her" she said, she got out of her bathroom to find her phone

"There you are!" she said as she spotted her phone, she immediately finds for somi's number to call her

{On the Phone}


"Hey, Somi!"

"Hey y/n, what's up?"

"Ummm can I come over?"


"I'll be there in 10"

"Okay, I'll wait for you~"

Then some hang up,y/n hurriedly grab a hoodie and a cap so that her parents won't catch her

She knocked a few time before some opened the door, "Oh y/n!" somi said excitedly, hugging her "let's go" somi said dragging her into her room

"So what is it?" somi asked sitting on her head," it's just....." she paused while removing her hoodie, some gasped as she saw the mark on her friend's arm

"Oh gosh!you already found your soulmate?!" she asked running towards y/n, "What?"y/n asked clueless "That mark y/n! That's a soulmate mark!tell me who it is!! is he handsome?cute?" somi asked excitedly

Y/n sighed sadly as she sat at the edge of somi's bed "he told me he doesn't like me" she said unhappily "who is it?" somi said ready to fight whoever hurt her friend

"Its jaemin," she said "what?" somi said not believing her "its jaemin"y/n repeated "WHAT THE HECK?!!" somi yelled out of the blue resulting y/n to flinch

"I'm going to freaking kill him," she said, y/n chuckled at her friend, "it's okay some you don't have to do that"y/n reassured

"Yeah, but if anything bad happens to you I will freaking break his neck and I'll make sure he-" y/n cut somi off by putting a hand on her mouth "Somi I'm okay," she said "okay, but if he-" "I know I know, and oh!I'm going now, my parents are going to kill me, "y/n said "okay let's go, "somi said as she guided her to their door

Y/n's lucky that her parents weren't in their house if not, no one neither the both of us will like what they're gonna do to y/n

She slowly made her way upstairs to her room

She already changed into her pajamas so she laid on her bed staring blankly at the ceiling

She sat up while looking at the heart-shaped mark on her arm, "what should I ever do to you?" she mumbled as she caressed it

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