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2 months later, Renjun and Y/n has been so close since then, they would sometimes hang out with somi, but of course, without jaemin or his other friends knowing, y/n didn't question him anymore about his soulmate for he said that it already died

Y/n was sad that it happened to her friend but what can we say? Things happen with purpose

At this time, somi and y/n was currently making their way to the school

"I heard we're having new students,"somi said "students? I mean more than one?" she asked

"Yep, I also heard that they are 8 and 3 of them are seniors" she added "how do you know all of this?"y/n laughed

"I'm somi, I have my ways" she replied as she easily flicked her hair while y/n just laugh

"Okay stop, we're going to be late"y/n said once she calmed down from laughing

"Good morning class, today we have new students, and there will be 5 new students here to be exact"

"Hello everyone I'm Lee Felix, I'm from Australia please treat me well" he bowed

"Hi I'm Hwang Hyun-jin," said the tall boy

"Hi classmates I'm Kim Seung-min," the boy with a glasses said

"I'm Han Jisung but you can call me Han, "the boy who looked like a squirrel said, the other jisung cleared his throat making some of the students laugh

"H-hello everyone, I'm Yang Jeongin" the boy with braces shyly smiled, some of the students were in awe looking at the boy

"That boy is kinda cute"somi laughed pointing the Boy with a squirrel look

"Shut up jeon, you already have a soulmate"y/n scolded

"Geez I was just joking"somi pouted

"You 5 can sit behind y/n and somi since they have 5 vacant seats there" the teacher pointed at us, the boys nodded their head before making their way to their seat which is behind us

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