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"Where are you going Renjun hyung?"jisung asked " yeah what's up?"jaemin asked, he just got in their table after what happened earlier

"I'm going to do something that you should be doing right now" Renjun glared at jaemin before running away

"What's with him?"jaemin asked "I don't know just eat, "jeno said

"Y/n!"Renjun yelled slamming the rooftop's door open, y/n turned around and met renjun's worried eyes

"W-what are you doing here, you shouldn't be-"

"You need someone, "Renjun said "and I'm pretty sure you've been crying since you got here," he said examining y/n's face

"Stop," said y/n "stop what?"Renjun asked taking a step closer

"Stop staring, "y/n said while looking away, Renjun chuckled sitting next to y/n

"Y/n" the said girl looked at him "Yes?"
"I'm sorry"Renjun looked at y/n's eyes, but this time, y/n didn't look away

"It's just.....about jaemin,"renjun said, y/n again rolled her eyes by mentioning the name of the boy

"It's not your fault," said y/n, "aren't you going to hate me too?"y/n asked "what?why?" the male asked

"Well, jaemin hates me, and jaemin is your friend, so aren't you going to hate me too?" she explained

"Pfft the heck why would I hate you"Renjun stated, "we're all different y/n-ah," Renjun said letting the girl's head

"Stop you're ruining my hair, "y/n said as she attempted to take Renjun off her head


"Oh it's the bell, I gotta go,injunnie, somi is probably waiting for me, bye-bye"y/n smiled

Renjun waved at her as she left the rooftop

"Injunnie?" he chuckles

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