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"Come on Chan~ not even a hug?" Rina pouted as she tried to hug Chan, they're now in the hallway so only a few students are there

"Stop it, Rina, You're disgusting" chan uttered

"Stop pretending Chan, I know you like me-"

"HWANG RINA" someone shouted, Chan successfully pushed her away and  rina stopped what she was doing and looked where the sound came from, her eyes widened at the person

{ Jaemin's PoV }

"HWANG RINA" I shouted when I saw my girlfriend--- well I don't think she still is

She's hugging the new boy, what a disgusting sight

I ran into them punching Chan right on the face

"Is that what you were doing behind my back? HUH? Cheat on me?!" I yelled

{ Author's PoV }

Chan was now on the floor, groaning in pain, the students gathered around them witnessing the fight

"You!"jaemin pointed at chan
"How dare you to flirt with her!?"

"What do you mean? it is your girlfriend who FLIRTED with me and forced me to be her ANOTHER boyfriend"Chan stood up

"Jaemin let me explain-"
"Shut it Rina!!!"jaemin yelled

"So it's true huh?"jaemin chuckled bluntly
"We're over," he said before walking away

The dreamies was just there watching for a far as guilt can be seen on there faces

They watched him walk away

"Hyung He- he's crying"Jisung, the youngest said

"It's okay Ji, we just need to give him some space"Renjun the oldest said

Y/n and Somi also witnessed the scene

Y/n pitied her brother, in the past days she noticed how Rina behave around her brother but she just brushed it off

She also pitied jaemin, after all, no one deserves to be cheated on

Chan's Squad was also there but it's too late when they arrived

Y/n sighed in relief seeing the boys helping her brothers to head to the Clinic


Bible Verse for Today 111920

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world"

1 John 4:1

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