Part 1 | Late Night Notes

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The clock showed 11 on a Tuesday night, it was inching closer to a certain navy haired boy's bedtime. But he had to finish these notes by tomorrow, Kaede was counting on him.

The navy haired boy continued to scribble down words as fast as he could on the page, dotting every 'i' and crossing every 't'. His eyelids slowly began to close as he was sentences away from completing the copy of the notes. Just... one... more...

Before he could get the last word out, Shuichi fell asleep on top of the notes.


The next morning the Ultimate Detective's alarm blared, sending anxiety throughout his body. Shuichi shot awake, realizing what time it was.

He turned off his alarm before getting to his normal, rushed, routine. However when he looked back at the notes, something wasn't quite right. The detective noticed one word missing from the bottom and the owner's name at the top, easy fixes.

With a smile on his face, Shuichi scribbled the last word of the notes before going to the name. In beautiful script, he wrote the name Kaede Akamatsu.

A pretty name for a pretty girl. Writing this name gave Shuichi butterflies in his stomach, he was head over heels for the Ultimate Pianist herself.

Could you blame him? Her cheerful attitude, kind smile, and talent, not to mention her looks. It was hard not to like the blonde girl.

Shuichi shook his head, clearing the short daydream of the pianist before carefully placing the notes in his school bag. He slung the bag onto his back and walked out the door, locking it.

The detective took out his earbuds, placing them into his ears, and pressed shuffle on his playlist. Shuichi walked to the bus stop with no interruptions. He sat down on the small blue bench, waiting for the bus to arrive.

A shrill shriek signalled that the bus had arrived at the stop. The doors opened as Shuichi climbed in. The detective looked around the bus but sadly saw no empty seats. He didn't mind, he would be sitting for hours on end anyway.

The bus stopped again, picking up more students. A few of them Shuichi recognized as they were from his class, one that particularly stood out was Kaito. Ever since the first day, the two had been extremely close.

The astronaut beamed a bright smile as he stood next to the detective. "Heya, Shuichi! Did you sleep ok last night? You look really tired."

The detective gave a small smile to his friend. "Yeah, I slept just fine. I'm still waking up is all."

Kaito nodded as he took his glance away from Shuichi and towards the window. The bus ride in the morning was always fairly silent since most of the students were still waking up from their peaceful sleep.


The bus arrived at school, all of the students filing off the bus. The cliques of friends walked to class together, stopping at their lockers for a few papers. However, instead of walking to class, Shuichi stopped at his friend, Kaede's, locker. While the two didn't really hang outside of school, or rarely ever in school, the detective considered the two friends.

He nervously twiddled with the notes he had written last night, waiting for the pianist to show. A few minutes passed by and she arrived, waving goodbye to her friends as she noticed Shuichi. Kaede smiled, placing her hands around her school bag's straps. "Did you finish them?"

The detective smiled, slight pink showing on his cheeks. "Y-Yeah. I have them right here."

Shuichi handed the pianist the notes as her smile grew wider. "Thanks, Shuichi! You're a lifesaver!"

Kaede wrapped her arms around the detective. Taken aback by her action, Shuichi stood there with blush growing on his face. The pianist let go as she heard the five minute bell go off. "I better be off to class. See you tomorrow!"

The detective, still flustered from the sudden contact, called out. "Y-Yeah! See ya!"

He silently cursed at himself as he was out of earshot. With a slight pep in his step, Shuichi walked to class. He had a feeling that today was going to be a good day.

Oh boy first part done. This will probably update every few weeks until it's done of course. I'm a sucker for Saimota, it's my number 1 comfort ship.

See ya later my guys, gals, non-binary pals, and anything else in between! ~ Nex

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