Part 11 | I Mean It

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After that rather awkward interaction, Kaito returned to Shuichi's room with the hot pizza. He set the box down on the bed, opening the box to reveal the freshly made pizza. All the tension and embarrassment that was once in the room was replaced with the joy of food.

The two boys happily ate as they browsed Netflix, looking for a good show to watch. The two ended up watching Saiki K which was a mistake. They almost spit out their pizza from laughing so hard, which ended up in them eating in silence. Awkward, awkward silence.

Normally the two would be chatting away but after the fall, it just became tense and deadly quite. The two weren't sure who would break the silence, but of course the more extroverted one did. "Good idea to order pizza. Didn't know I was craving it until now."

Shuichi still had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, which was slowly falling off. "Yeah."

Silence fell between the two again.

The detective and the astronaut stated at the pizza box immensely, as if it would give them a topic to talk about. Shuichi fixed the blanket that was falling off his shoulders which caused the pizza box to slip. It fell off the bed with a thud, catching the two boys by surprise.

On instinct, the two leapt off the bed as they were startled by the sudden noise. The two landed on either side of the pizza box, reaching for the sides.

Kaito was the first to grab the cardboard as he felt smaller, colder hands on top of his. Shuichi also went to grab the pizza box but his hands ended up on the astronaut's. The detective's face flushed a deep red as he pulled his hands away.

Kaito gave an awkward laugh. "That's enough pizza for one night."

Shuichi just nodded in response.

The astronaut placed the box on the dresser before sitting back on the bed with the detective. In all honesty, Kaito wanted to talk about the fall but he wasn't sure if Shuichi was comfortable with it.

The astronaut opened his mouth to speak but the detective interrupted him. "Did you mean it?"

Kaito raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Shuichi pulled the edges of the blanket over his form. "Wh-When we fell and you were a-about to kiss me."

The astronaut looked down towards the bed, rubbed the nape of his neck. "Oh, that."

He inhaled slowly, rising up as he did. His gaze met with Shuichi's.

"Yes. I meant it."

Kaito covered his face with his hand. "I-I know you probably don't feel the same way with Kaede and all and I-"

The astronaut was interrupted with a cold hand on the back of his. Slowly, he removed the hand from his face.

Kaito's eyes showed guilt, the detective could read that. He felt guilty for dumping this just after his breakdown. Shuichi wrapped his hand around the astronaut's, pulling it towards his chest.

"I think I feel the same way."

Kaito's eyes widened, tears of joy pricked in the corners. "R-Really?"

The detective smiled. "Yeah."

The astronaut embraced the detective, pulling close as if he could disappear any minute. "You don't know how long I've wanted you to say that."

A few tears of joy slipped from Kaito's eyes. Shuichi felt them fall onto the blanket that he had cried on. Both their happiness and sadness in one place.

The detective released his grip of the astronaut slightly. "Can we go to bed? I'm tired."

The astronaut let go of the hug completely before caressing Shuichi's cheek with his thumb. "Of course. Anything you want."

Shuichi twittled his fingers together. "A-Anything?"

Kaito nodded, smirking. "Yup, anything."

The detective hid his face in the blanket to hide from embarrassment. "C-Can we...


The astronaut laughed. "Of course. Come here!"

Kaito held out his arms for Shuichi to jump into. Of course he obliged as he was the one who suggested it. The astronaut fell back on the bed as he pulled the comforter over the two of them.

Kaito gently kissed his detective's forehead. "G'night."

Shuichi buried his face in the astronaut's chest. "N-Night."

The two almost instantly fell asleep, warm and safe in each other's arms.

Finally, they're together! Also thank you so much for 2k reads. I really appreciate it! :)

See ya later my guys, gals, non-binary pals, and anything else in between! ~ Nex

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