Part 12 | Push-Ups

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The next morning, the two woke up to Shuichi's blaring alarm clock. Kaito was about to reach over and shut off the alarm but a weight was over his arms. He knew exactly what that weight was.


The events of last night played in his head on loop, filling his stomach with butterflies every time it finished.

The alarm was eventually shut off by the detective who gave the astronaut a content smile when he realized he was awake. "Morning!"

Kaito blushed at Shuichi's messy bed head and tired eyes. "G'morning! Did you sleep well?"

The detective nodded, laying down on the astronaut's chest. "Mmhmm. Who knew you'd make such a good pillow?"

Kaito sat up, pulling Shuichi with him. "Hey, I'm not your personal pillow!"

The detective giggled, wrapping his arms around Kaito's neck. "I know, I know. Today's a school day. I almost forgot."

The astronaut sighed, he wanted this moment to last forever. He wanted Shuichi against him, close enough to hear his heartbeat. He wanted to see the detective's smile every day, the joy on his face whenever they made eye contact. He was perfect.

Kaito patted Shuichi's head lovingly. "Damn, I kinda wanted to stay in bed all day. Maki would probably kill me if I missed any more school though."

The detective laughed, knowing the astronaut was probably right. "Yeah. We better hurry, huh?"


After a quick pit stop at Kaito's house, the two were finally dressed and ready for school.

As they walked Shuichi became increasingly nervous as he remembered the events of last week. Kaede, the most popular girl in school, the girl who's friends with everyone, was secretly dating Miu. Knowing her, the whole school already knows about his ex crush on the pianist.

Kaito noticed the detective's smile falling into a nervous frown. Having no better ideas, the astronaut took his detective's hand in his own. "No need to be nervous, alright? I'm here, that's all you need."

Shuichi was slightly comforted by his astronaut's words, allowing himself to relax into Kaito's hand. "You're right."

The two made it to class without any disturbances surprisingly. As they sat down, they gave each other an understanding look of 'let's not tell people yet.'

The door to the classroom opened again, revealing none other than Maki. She smirked upon seeing the astronaut and detective sit so close together. Just to tease them, and because she thought it was funny, the assassin sat in between the two.

Shuichi and Kaito gave Maki a confused look whereas the assassin had a smirk plastered on her face. "Sorry, was I interrupting something?"

The detective tore his gaze away from Maki, finding an interesting spot on his desk to stare at. "N-No."

The assassin raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then what were those lovey dovey looks you two were giving each other?"

Both the astronaut and detective blushed a bright pink. Kaito nervously laughed. "What looks? We weren't looking at each other! I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Maki got up from the seat, moving over to the one on the other side of Kaito. "Uh huh, sure. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

What the-

How did she-


Shuichi and Kaito were equally confused as to how the hell Maki figured out the two were seeing each other. They didn't have stickers saying 'Hey we're dating!' or anything like that. Maybe it was the look on their faces or probably her intuition.

The two sighed, relieving some of their embarrassment. The bell rang, allowing the school day to start.


After school Kaito and Shuichi agreed to hang out at the astronaut's house. An unofficial date of sorts. Maki stayed behind to do some extra work for a project.

The two made it to Kaito's house but didn't necessarily feel like sitting around, they had done plenty of that yesterday. Instead, they decided to work out. The astronaut had some work out equipment in the garage for astronaut training so luckily they had something to work with.

Kaito brought out a few dumbbells, placing them near his feet on the grass. "Shuichi, you need to get stronger. The best way to do that is working out with me! I am an astronaut in training after all."

The detective tilted his head slightly. "Why exactly do I need to get stronger?"

The astronaut blushed slightly as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, what if I can't be there to protect you or something?"

Shuichi giggled, finding it cute how Kaito wanted to protect him. "I guess you're right. Let's do it!"

The two started doing push-ups before the astronaut gave up after about three. He laid on the soft grass, staring at the fluffy white clouds in the bright blue sky. "It sure is a beautiful day today."

The detective laughed. "Y'know what would make this day better? If you actually did push-ups with me."

Kaito groaned in annoyance, rolling onto his stomach. "Do I have to?"

Shuichi smirked, trying to pull his, much heavier, astronaut off the ground. "Yes, yes you do. You're the one who suggested it in the first place!"

"The hell are you two doing? Other than being complete idiots."

Across the street was Maki, smirking playfully at the duo. Upon seeing the assassin, Kaito immediately leapt off the ground. "We were working out, but Shuichi refused to do any exercises so I told him to lift me up."

The detective elbowed the astronaut. "Really? Way to make me the bad guy."

Maki walked across the street, looking both ways before doing so. "I don't really care who started it. Just let me show you two how it's supposed to be done."

Without wasting any time, Maki placed both her hands and feet on the grass. The assassin began doing push-ups, to her they were second nature. The training she had to endure was nothing compared to a few push-ups. With ease Maki finished 20 push-ups, leaving the other two in total shock.

Kaito pointed at the assassin while she stood there smirking. "D- How- Wh- How did you do that so easily?"

Maki came up to the astronaut, patting him on the shoulder. "Practice. Lots and lots of practice."

Kaito smiled, wrapping his detective in his arm and pulling him close. "What if we practiced with you?"

The assassin shrugged, taking her hand off the astronaut's shoulder. "Sure, I don't mind."

The trio began doing push-ups, Kaito laying in the grass after ten this time. After the other two finished, they joined the astronaut in laying on the grass. The sky was now turning a pale orange-pink, it was close to dinner time.

Shuichi ended up staying for dinner as well as the night with not much convincing from Kaito. Once again, the lovebirds fell asleep almost instantly in each other's arms.

Maki couldn't help but take a picture once the two were asleep. She returned to her room with a smile on her face, feeling very accomplished as she found a way to tease both her best friends.

Just wanted something cute before we get back into the main story. Also, thank you all for the nice comments. It really means a lot to me to see you guys enjoy my writing :)

See ya later my guys, gals, non-binary pals, and anything else in between! ~ Nex

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