Part 5 | Planning to Confess

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Classes were now in session. Students sat at their seats, listening to the teacher ramble about the recent test. Kaito was bored, trying his best to pay attention but ultimately failing. His mind had wandered to thoughts of Shuichi. While he found it cliche and borderline cheesy, the astronaut couldn't help but smile.

He thought back to the bus ride to school this morning, how the detective tried his best to stay awake but ended up falling asleep on Kaito's shoulder. A pink blush appeared on his face as the astronaut fawned over the peaceful look on the navy haired boy. It was perfect. He was perfect.

Maki noticed the spaced out astronaut staring out the window with flushed cheeks. The assassin elbowed him, causing Kaito to jump. Maki smirked. "Hey, dumbass, stop daydreaming about that emo detective and let's get to lunch already."

The astronaut rubbed the back of his neck, giving the assassin an awkward smile. "You're right, let's go."

The two headed off to the cafeteria, Maki making underhanded comments about Kaito's crush on his sidekick. The duo found a table near the back, taking a seat at the small round table.

As the astronaut sat down, he asked the assassin a question. "Hey, Maki Roll?"

The assassin rolled her eyes at the nickname. "What is it?"

"Why aren't you at the library today? I thought you studied for the first 20 minutes of lunch."

She shrugged. "I don't have a lot of homework and no upcoming tests so I guess I'm stuck with you."

Kaito laughed. "I guess so."

Just as the two finished their conversation, Shuichi sat at their table. The astronaut smiled, wrapping his arms around his sidekick's shoulder. "What's up, bro? How have your classes been?"

The detective smiled. "My classes have been fine, not a lot of homework today."

Maki continued to eat her food, staying out of the conversation.

Kaede walked past their table, smiling and waving to them. Shuichi smiled, waving with a flushed face. Both the assassin and the astronaut noticed the detective's behavior.

Kaito felt a pang in his chest, he was jealous of the pianist. He wanted Shuichi to look at him like that, he wanted to see the detective's flushed face look at his. However, the astronaut kept up his peppy attitude.

Maki smirked, taking a break from eating her food. "So, Kaede?"

Shuichi finched, pulling his hat over his eyes as his face turned from a bright pink to a deep red. "W-Well I, uhh, umm... yeah..."

The detective forked a few pieces of food, nervous to tell his friends what he was planning. Shuichi liked the pianist, so much so he was thinking about asking her on a date. He wanted to get some advice and calm his anxiety a bit, but he was getting anxiety about asking them.

The detective battled back and forth in his mind until he came to a conclusion. "Guys?"

Maki and Kaito's eyes looked towards Shuichi, giving him the okay to continue. The detective gulped, nerves growing inside him. "I-I want to ask Kaede o-on a date."

The assassin's eyes widened. She was somewhat expecting this with the way Shuichi looked at the pianist. At the same time she was surprised, it was so sudden that he decided this. Maki was concerned for the astronaut, she knew about his crush but hearing this probably crushed him. No pun intended.

Kaito's face fell as he heard those words escape the detective's mouth. The astronaut's heart sank, slowly cracking. Of course Shuichi didn't like him that way, they were just friends. Only friends. For now Kaito had to push his feelings aside, he could deal with these later.

The astronaut's face returned to a smile, though not as bright as before. "So you wanna ask out Kaede, huh?"

Shuichi nodded, looking at his lap. "Y-Yeah."

Maki kept her poker face. "I can't really give advice on asking someone on a date. Feelings aren't my thing. I would ask Rantaro about it, unlike me he's actually asked someone on a date."

Kaito nodded, placing his hand on the detective's shoulder. "Yeah! Though if I had to suggest a time to do it, I'd say at the end of the week. There's a good chance the both of you would be free."

Shuichi took a moment to think about it. Tomorrow is Friday so there would be a high chance of a date on Saturday or Sunday. It also gave the detective the rest of the day to think about the perfect way to ask her out.

Shuichi smiled. "I'll do it tomorrow! I just have to figure out what to say."

The assassin shrugged. "You don't have to say anything. Give her a letter or something."

The detective was better at communicating through written word than spoken word. Shuichi checked the time, seeing he only had a few minutes to study in the library. "Thank you guys so much!"

The detective waved to his friends as he walked away from the table. Kaito smiled. "Anything for you bro! Anything..."

It's been a hot minute since I last posted but we almost at 200 reads? Thank you so much! I promise the next chapter will be out soon cuz it's gonna be super short.

See ya later my guys, gals, non-binary pals, and anything else in between! ~ Nex

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