Part 15 | Information

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The next morning, the group met in front of the school. Maki was glaring at Kokichi, sending daggers into his eyes. Metaphorically of course, but she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to do that.

Kaito and Shuichi arrived, holding hands. The supreme leader felt his heart squeeze before quickly pushing away those feelings. "So, what do you want me to do?"

The detective let go of the astronaut's hand. "I think for now, see if she turns in any homework and sit at her table at lunch just in case she happens to bring the straight A student."

Kokichi placed his hand on his forehead, saluting the detective. "You got it!"

The bell rang shortly after the conversation finished. As Kaito went to leave with Shuichi, the supreme leader pulled on the astronaut's coat.

Kaito turned to see Kokichi looking at him with a serious expression. The supreme leader curled his finger, gesturing for the astronaut to come closer.

Once Kaito was on his level, Kokichi grabbed him by the collar before pulling him closer. "I swear to whatever god is up there, Kaito. If you ever hurt Shuichi I will not hesitate to pay that hurt back ten times over."

The supreme leader pushed the astronaut back to his feet before switching his demeanor completely. "Got that?"

Kaito nodded, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead.

Kokichi smiled before skipping off. "Good. See ya later!"


After that rather scary scene, the supreme leader headed off to his first class of the day which he luckily had with Kaede. Kokichi kept glancing at the pianist to see if she took notes or wrote something down even once. He was surprised to see that she didn't even turn in last night's homework or even write anything related to the lesson. All the supreme leader saw were music notes on the lined paper.

When class ended, Kokichi knew he had to somehow get a seat at Kaede's lunch table. However, he knew a guy.

Hey Rantaro~

Avocado Daddy 🥑
hey Kokichi
need something?

Kiiboy's being mean and won't let me sit with him during lunch >:(

Avocado Daddy 🥑
probably cuz you bully him all the time

Anyways, can I sit with you today? ;-;

Avocado Daddy 🥑
as long as you don't poke too many jokes at miu
you know how kaede gets

Yeah, yeah
See ya at lunch~

Avocado Daddy 🥑
yeah see ya

The supreme leader skipped off to his next class, somehow avoiding everyone in the hall.


Kokichi plopped down next to Rantaro and his boyfriend Kiyo, tray in hand. While the supreme leader was waiting for the pianist, he caught up with the adventurer.

The two had been friends since the first day of school, the two shared almost everything. Sadly, he couldn't tell his friend about the investigation as much as it would help with this case. Shuichi trusted him to keep this between very few people, he had to follow through.

Kaede eventually arrived, laughing at a joke Miu had told. Knowing her, it was probably extremely vulgar.

The pianist raised an eyebrow as she noticed the supreme leader. "What's Kokichi doing here?"

The supreme leader rolled his eyes. "Kiibo's complained about me 'bullying' him again. Plus, I thought this was the gay table. Was I wrong?"

Rantaro shrugged. "He's got a point."

The vulgar inventor gave Kokichi an icy glare, though not as intimidating as Maki's.

The group began to each their lunch, making small talk here and there.

The supreme leader placed down his fork. "So, Kaede, why exactly do you want a straight A student?"

The pianist finished chewing her food before speaking. "I've been having trouble studying lately. I'm not doing too hot in a couple of subjects right now."

Kokichi nodded, taking in the information. "Any reason you've had trouble studying?"

Kaede sighed, placing her hand on her forehead. "I've just been really stressed lately, haven't been able to think straight."

Miu laughed, patting her girlfriend on the back. "Of course not! You've got the gorgeous girl genius right here! It's hard to not think straight when I'm around."

The supreme leader smirked. "Very true, I haven't thought about boobs the entire time I've been here."

Rantaro chuckled, almost choking on his food. Korekiyo had a similar reaction, but not actually choking on his food and instead helping his boyfriend.

Kokichi grabbed his fork once again, taking a piece of food with it. "Anyway, you got anything else going on that's making you stressed?"

Kaede nodded. "Yeah, I have this big concert coming up. Why are you so interested in my personal life anyways?"

The supreme leader shrugged. "Just curious. Information is what I'm here for, really."

It didn't sound like much of an excuse to an outsider, but Kokichi tended to ask bizarre questions just wanting to get any new information. He liked knowing about people, whether it be for pranks, black mail, or some other third option. The supreme leader always wanted new information.

Kokichi had finished his lunch, throwing it away and saying his goodbyes to his buddies. "It was nice talking to y'all, I've got some business to take care of so I sadly have to go. Don't miss me too much!"

As the supreme leader was making his way to exit the cafeteria, he spotted Shuichi's table. He smirked, stopping at the trio. "Hey, Shumai. I'm gonna go to the roof in case you wanted to join me in some less than school appropriate activities."

Kokichi winked as he left the cafeteria. The detective's face turned a deep red, not expecting the supreme leader to say anything like that at all. Shuichi was smart enough to know he was talking about reconvening to relay information, but was that the best code he could come up with?

Still with a crimson face, the detective grabbed his boyfriend's hand. "L-Let's go guys."

Maki scoffed. "If we have to."

The trio left the cafeteria. The detective's face completely flushed, the astronaut's face flushing slightly in anger, and the assassin's same cold complexion with a slight hint of more pissed off than usual.

Oh boy investigation time! I hope it all make sense and that points could easily be connected.

See ya later my guys, gals, non-binary pals, and anything else in between! ~ Nex

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