Part 17 | Cork Board

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The school day quickly came to a close as students walked out of the front doors. Kaito, Shuichi, Maki, and Kokichi met at the front gate before the detective led the way to his house. The astronaut was at the side of the Shuichi with their fingers intertwined.

The assassin smiled sweetly at the happiness of her best friends while the supreme leader had to push down his jealousy.

Eventually the four of them made it, Kokichi and Maki not fighting as much as they usually would be. The group took off their shoes before following the detective to his uncle's office where a large cork board almost took up the entire wall.

The supreme leader's eyes widened. "Wow! This is amazing. We have something similar at HQ, but it's just a stupid white board. But this, this, is what real detectives use! We should really invest in one."

Shuichi nodded, smiling at Kokichi's new found interest in the cork board. "Yeah, they're worth it. I probably couldn't keep myself organized if I didn't have one of these."

"So, uhh," Kaito gestured to the nearly wall sized cork board, "How do we work this thing?"

The detective held up a pen and some post-its. "Well first we-"

The supreme leader grabbed the items Shuichi was holding, interrupting his sentence. "First we write down all the evidence we have on these sticky notes. Then we place them on the board and connect the points with string."

The detective slightly frowned as he wanted to explain the cork board, but was too sad since he could see how passionate Kokichi was about the subject. "Yeah, exactly that."

The other two nodded as they all began filling post-it notes with valid information. One by one they were placed on the board, loose string hanging from the thumb tacks.

The group began going through the evidence, saying it all allowed.

"Kaede asked me to make notes for her as well as copy my homework."

"She is not doing well in a few subjects, two of them are definitely math and history. The rest are unknown."

"She's looking for a straight A student to tutor her or end up copying their work, like what she did with Shumai."

"She hasn't handed in her assignments on time as accounted by Miu who is her girlfriend."

"Miu is good at science and math, but has a tough time explaining things without adding a sex joke every five seconds."

"Kaede has been stressed probably due to her poor grades, and the fact that she has a concert coming up."

"The people who normally sit at lunch with her are Rantaro, Kiyo, Miu, and sometimes one of her simps."

Shuichi clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. "Alright, now that we have a good amount of evidence we should expand on it. We need to know more about this concert and what subject Kiyo and Rantaro are good at."

Kokichi and Kaito both pulled out their laptops. The astronaut was looking at high class piano concerts in the area while the supreme leader was hacking into the school network to pull up Kiyo and Rantaro's grades.

Kaito's eyes widened slightly as he turned the laptop around. "I found it! Here it says that Kaede will be performing an original piece in front of some of the best pianists in the world. It says it'll be on Saturday, that's two days from now."

Maki wrote this information on a post-it before sticking it to the cork board, attaching a string and thumb tack to it.

Kokichi raised his hand excitedly as he remembered something. "Oh! I totally forgot about this since I didn't think it was important. Kaede was making music notes in her notebook! I thought she was slacking off, but I think she was going over or working on her original piece."

Kaede's Homework | Saimota FanficWhere stories live. Discover now