Part 20 | Performance

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The group arrived at the concert hall half an hour early. Kaito and Shuichi went backstage to wish Kaede good luck while Maki and Kokichi found their seats in the balcony.

The astronaut and the detective were allowed backstage because the pianist knew Shuichi would arrive early. Kaede was waiting at the door for the two to show up, smiling when she saw the couple enter.

The pianist stood there in a beautiful purple dress that complemented her eyes.

The pianist stood there in a beautiful purple dress that complemented her eyes

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Shuichi's eyes widened when he saw the pianist in the dress. "Wow, I'm sure Miu will love it."

Kaede's smile grew wider. "You think so? I thought this was a little too much."

Kaito shook his head, swinging an arm around his boyfriend. "Nah, I think it's perfect."

The detective blushed at the sudden contact. "A-Anyway, I wanted to wish you good luck on your performance. I know you'll do great!"

The astronaut let go of his boyfriend, pushing him forward slightly. The pianist embraced Shuichi in a tight yet comforting hug, the detective returning the gesture.

"Thank you."

"Of course. I just did what any good detective would do."

A tall female who the group recognized as Kirumi came up to them. "Kaede, 15 minutes until curtain call. Oh, hello Shuichi and Kaito. I did not expect to see you two here."

The astronaut smirked, finding this situation amusing. "Nor did we expect you, Kirumi. Anyway, we should get going. It was good seeing you."

The maid gave Kaito a small bow before running farther backstage. The detective smiled at the pianist one last time before exiting. As Kaede turned to leave, the astronaut called her name.



"Good luck and, uh, thanks I guess."

Kaito held a thumbs up towards the pianist as he exited through the door.


The astronaut had found his seat on the balcony next to his boyfriend. The couple smiled at each other as the curtain rose. Sadly, Kaede wasn't the first performer though they were excited for beautiful piano music.

As the performer played the piano, Kaito leaned towards Shuichi. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

The detective's face was covered in a light pink, but it was a little difficult to see due to the dimmed lights. "I-I don't think so. Would you mind telling me?"

The astronaut smirked, picking Shuichi up and placing him in between his legs. "For starters, I love that flustered look on your face. It makes me think I'm doing a good job. I love how you're always willing to help people, we wouldn't be here right now if you didn't offer to help Kaede. I love how passionate you are about your detective work and solving mysteries, it shows your dedication and love for your uncle's job. I love everything about you, Shuichi."

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