Part 4 | Vulgar Inventor

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The next day, Kaito decided to start his investigation. He knew that confronting Kaede directly would not be his best course of action. The astronaut would likely not get any answers from the pianist.

Kaito needed someone he could trust with this inside information, someone who could get answers without making it completely obvious. Someone who spoke to Kaede enough that she wouldn't be suspicious.

A certain vulgar blonde came to mind, Miu. She was relatively close to the pianist, speaking to her at least once a day. Then again, most of the talking was about her chest.

Most likely the vulgar inventor would be found in her lab, making whatever perverted invention came to mind. Kaito had approximately ten minutes before class started, enough time for one or two questions about Kaede.

The astronaut bolted to Miu's lab as soon as he entered the school, being yelled at by the hall monitor for running. Kaito made it to her lab. Completely out of breath, he opened the door.

The vulgar inventor was tinkering with a few objects on the table as she turned to see the astronaut panting. "Really? You came to my lab after jerking off?"

Kaito's face contorted slightly, discussed by Miu's comment. "N-No! I just... ran here... really fast."

The vulgar inventor placed the wrench down, lifting her goggles. "Yeah, yeah. What do ya need me for? I got a few inventions that would be perfect for a hormonal boy like yourself."

The astronaut shook his head. "No, I... I came to ask you some questions."

Miu smirked. "Like what? You wanna know my cup size?"

Kaito mentally face palmed. "No! I wanted to ask about Kaede."

The vulgar inventor's smirk grew wider. "Oh~ You wanna know her-"

The astronaut slammed his hand on the table, causing the vulgar inventor to jump. "Miu! This is serious!"

The vulgar inventor looked taken aback, Kaito had never been so adamant about something to do with Kaede. "A-Alright, I'll answer your questions."

The astronaut sighed, finally they were getting somewhere. "First question, has Kaede been taking notes during class?"

Miu took a moment to think. Memories going back a few weeks, she had seen the pianist put pencil to paper a few times. "Yeah, every once in a while."

"Second question, has she been handing in her homework?"

Another moment of pondering. The vulgar inventor thought back to yesterday when the English teacher asked for her paragraph. "She didn't turn in her English homework yesterday. A few days before that she didn't turn in her math homework."

"Last question, do her and Shuichi ever hangout outside of school?"

More recalling. "I've only seen them together in school. Then again, I'm only ever here or at home."

Kaito gave the vulgar inventor one of his smiles. "Thank you, Miu. I'll see you in class."

The two waved goodbye to eachother, the astronaut leaving Miu in her lab. The vulgar inventor wondered why Kaito was so serious when it came to Kaede. The only other time she's seen him like this is when he first met Shuichi and Maki. The astronaut was determined to make them come out of their shells.

Miu looked back over to her work in progress, picking up the wrench and shrugging off all other thoughts. She once again began working on her invention with one question swirling in her mind. Does he know?

I got this part done in, like, one day. Oh no, I'm invested!

See ya later my guys, gals, non-binary pals, and anything else in between! ~ Nex

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