Oh no! You're sick?

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She felt like shit, she was sweaty and hot. She threw up as soon as she got to the bathroom, she got back in bed making herself into a blanket burrito. She felt cold even though she was sweating profusely, she whined then grabbed her phone to text her boyfriend. Finn Wolfhard. She unlocked her phone then stared at his contact name, she didn't want to bother him since she KNEW he was not a morning person at all. Even if he was already awake she knew he could've been busy doing a photo shoot or something, she hesitantly texted Finn. She could barely even type in the letters she needed to, she was shaking so damn much.

FinnyBoy 💕

Hey fin, I know you're probably
really really busy. But I really
need you rn, I don't feel good.

I'm already here,
is the door unlocked?
If not I'm going through

It's open, hurry up and
love meee. 😭😭

Will do princess ❤️

(Y/n) heard the door open and close then heard frantic footsteps running up the stairs, she sat up slightly then saw Finn bust through the door taking his mask off. He walked towards her putting a hand on her head "Jesus! You're burning up, cmon. I'm giving you a lukewarm bath, that should help with your temperature." (Y/n) smiled then got up clinging onto Finn, she was very weak from the sickness attacking you from the inside outside out. She whimpered when Finn sat her down on the toilet and started the water, he turned around to see his girlfriend taking off her clothes. He looked away in embarrassment then coughed, (y/n) was way to sick to care about Finn to see her body. "Jus help me in the baf..." she slurred sounding sleepy and drunk. Finn giggled then helped her in the bath, it was filled with bubbles she giggled then looked up at Finn. "Finny, please put your mask back on. I don't want you getting sick because of me." (Y/n) said turning her head away from him, only to feel her head get turned back to meet the boy's dark chocolate eyes. That stare, it got her every single time. She pouted and Finn when he turned her head "Fiiinnn don't do that, you will get sick-" she was cut off by a pair of soft lips on hers, she instantly melted into the kiss but Finn pulled back making the girl whine. "See? Now I have your germs. Ew." Finn joked making (Y/n) splash water on him.

After about 25 minutes Finn carried (y/n) to her bed, he walked to her closet and chose out her pj's. (Y/n) sat there just admiring the skinny boy walked around her room, bending over, lifting his arms showing his toned stomach. It just made (y/n)'s heart flutter, (Y/n) was snapped back to realty when her towel was removed. She flinched feeling the cold air hit her skin, she looked up at Finn who was trying his best to not be a pervert and just help her put her clothes on. When Finn, by some miracle, got (Y/n)'s shirt on she put her hands onto the males shoulders. This made him think of all the naughty things they did in this position, he shook his head then helped (y/n) put her pants on. (Y/n) laid herself down then raised her arms at Finn doing the grabby hands. The fucking grabby hands. Finn then collapsed on (y/n) groaning, he wrapped his arms under (y/n)'s torso making her giggle slight "awe Finny...what wrong?" Finn looked up at (y/n) clearing his throat, he leaned into her ear then whispered something in Russian "Give me your germs" (I wantEd it to be in Russian buut it won't work so take the translation). Little did he know (y/n) had took Russian speaking classes to understand the language, she snorted then busted out laughing. Finn turned a bright red then hid his face into (y/n)'s neck groaning loudly, (y/n) calmed down letting out a few coughs. She looked down at him sighing, she wrapped her arms around the boy then hummed softly. Finn tilted his head, he slid his head down to (y/n)'s chest and heard her heartbeat pick up speed.

Finn's POV
Her heart was beating so fast, she was embarrassed. It was so cute. I couldn't believe that someone like her would be with me, I was famous and she was an artist. I commissioned her, I expected her to be like all the other people I've ever texted. But she wasn't. She made me feel like a person, not just a character that I've played. She painted me a picture then gave it to me in the park, I smiled then gave her my number. She looked at her phone then pouted at me, I thought I had done something wrong but she jus said "If we ever go out I'm paying, I'm not having you buy me anything. Got that pretty boy?" I nodded trying to hide my bright red face, that was the best day of my entire life. I would never let go of that movement, even when I have to kiss other people in movies and shows. I always pretend they are (y/n). God I'm obsessed.

Third person pov

Finn felt (y/n)'s body go limp, he smiled knowing that (y/n) felt comfortable enough to fall asleep near him. He got up then gently put the blankets over his sleeping beauty, he gently stroked (y/n)'s cheek before kissing her head. He left the house and walked back home, he checked his phone after the visit then saw a text from jack. He of course ignored it then got to his house safe and sound. He walked to his room and hopped into his bed hugging his pillow tight to him, he sighed then slowly drifted off to sleep. "I'll see you tomorrow (y/n), I love you."

imma probably do something like
fluff, smut, fluff, smut
Keeping you guys happy hopefully!

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