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Panic attacks
Trigger words being used
Soft ending
Kind short lol

[Narrator POV]

[Y/N] was a soft girl, she had suffered a lot of trauma. But being with Finn was probably one of her best decisions, she was sensitive and Finn understood that. He watched out for her trigger words and didn't raise his voice at her ever since that would trigger her ptsd attacks, and he fears that. The first time it happened he was scared to death, he didn't know what was happening but he tried his best. He couldn't slam doors, yell around her, watch certain shows. It was a lot but he was willing to do it all for her.

Today was different however.

Finn came home from being away for a couple months, when she heard the door open she smiled and ran up to him "Finn you're home! I missed you so-" "Yeah whatever."
[Y/N] stopped in her tracks and watched Finn walk past her, she followed close behind him trying to spark conversation.

"Finn? How was filming? I saw you all over! You looked so co-"
"My god [Y/N]! Shut up for once. You're always fucking talking, just shut up and go sit down somewhere. God fucking damn!"

He yelled making the girl jump and quiver, she held onto her chest. She looked up at him with watery eyes, but his eyes were so cold to her. What the hell happened?

"F-Finn I just- I just wanted t-to talk to you."
"To bad. You know what, I should've cheated while I was out. That's how much you piss me off. Now go sit on the fucking couch and keep quiet. Or else you'll have more things than trauma to worry about. Fucking bitch."

[Y/N] flinched and ran walked to the couch, before she could get to the couch she heard the door slam. She crumbled to the ground and started to hyperventilate, she wrapped her arms around herself. She was shaking and muttering nonsense, she was terrified of her surroundings. She thought she was back, back to that place, back to him. She passed out on the floor, sobbing and whimpering. What the hell. What's happening? Her throat burned, her eyes ached, her body trembled. She hated being this scared, why would Finn be this way?

[Finn POV]

I sat in my room and tugged at my hair, my leg bounced, I bit my lip. I jumped up then heard a loud banging noise, I jumped and yanked my door open. I saw my precious [Y/N] on the floor, bloodshot eyes, tear stained cheeks, she was shaking. I caused this?

"[Y/N]! Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I'm here now."

I picked her up in my arms and ran to my room, I laid her down and tried to calm her down. I held her close to me and rubbed her head, she was shaking so much. She struggled against me screaming but I held onto her still, she clawed at my skin. It hurt like shit. I looked at her and held her cheeks, rubbing my thumbs against them.

"Hey hey. I'm here now, he won't hurt you again. It's okay [Y/N], you're gonna be okay."

Her breath finally calmed down and she looked away from me, I felt my chest tighten. She turned the other way making me tap her shoulder.

"Look [Y/N] I'm so-"

"No. You said you would never hurt me like that. You said you would never bring up any of my triggers to hurt me, you said you'd protect me. When you said that, you were just as sick as that man! Now, until I forgive you can sleep on the couch."

I sighed and nodded, I walked out to the couch then laid down. I listened for hours as she shifted in the bed, she never could sleep without me. I stood up then walked to our shared bedroom, I opened the door to see her cuddled up with a pillow with my shirt on it. I smiled then walked in the room, I closed the door behind me and moved the pillow away from her. She whined and then clung onto the closest thing. Aka me. She opened her eyes then looked up at me. God she makes me melt.

"You mean. Now I wan hug. Gimme gimme."

"Of course princess."

I wrapped my arms around her small frame and smiled, my girl. My love. My angel.

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