It's for my special folder. I promise.

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Cnc (consensual non con)
Meaning they are replaying a non consensual act
Both of them are consenting adults and have a safe word.
Boris will be recording the sexual acts you have
Only to delete it the next day
Light spanks on body parts
Light smacks on your face, nothing to really hurt you.
Just enough to make your moans delayed
And smoking
Boris will be smoking cause he's a rebel
Cumming more than your limit
Vicious name calling
Tying up your partner and using your toys
On someone or using blind folds
Theo walking in and helping record only
To get his virgin dick sucked

Please do not read this if any of these things trigger you!!!

Boris pov

(Y/n) looked so cute under me, she was blindfolded and tied up. I could feel her flinch anytime I could her smooth skin, she whimpered and tried to get the vibrator I put on her clit off. I growled then slapped her thighs making her cry out, I was recording everything. It was so sexy seeing her wanting to try her darkest kink. "P-please! T-take the v-vibe off!! I-it hurts!" She cried out at me, I wrapped my hand around her throat pressing my leg against her clit pushing the vibrator harder into her swollen clit. She jolted then arched her back, she started sobbing. I felt liquid soak my pant leg, she squirted on me. I sighed the propped the phone up so that it recorded everything, I gently slapped her face making her sniffle. I aggressively pulled her shorts off seeing the mess she had made, I threw them on the floor seeing her soaked panties. I felt my pants tighten seeing how much she squirted "Look at you slut. You almost pissed yourself from overstim, are you that fucking desperate to cum you little whore?" I said turning the vibrator to the pulsating setting making her squirm "t-that's not I-it! P-please! T-take it o-off!!" She begged me, over and over again.

I looked down at her cumming for what, the 7th time? I have honestly lost count, and she started crying on orgasm 2. I took off her panties then took the vibrator, she whined then sighed in relief but oh she was far from done. I position myself at her entrance, but before that I slapped her sensitive clit rapidly she cried and whimpered. "Listen to me slut, every time I slap your greedy cunt you count. Or I will punish you harder." My pretty baby nodded then braced herself for my slaps, I slapped her softly the first time but after about...the 10th slap I stopped. She was leaking like a fountain, I thought she looked so cute. I immediately pound into her, not giving her any warning. She let out a loud moan, I stopped when I was in her I only stopped to light a cigarette. Even during sex I couldn't help the addiction. Oops. As soon as I took a puff I started to thrust into her aggressively, making her gasp and moan loudly. I had a hand around her throat making her choke and gag. Every time I thrusted into her she whimpered and cried in pleasure, I knew she was okay with this. I hoped she was. She knew our safe word she could use it at anytime, then again I could just stop choking I slowed down my thrusts making sure she always came first. After awhile (y/n) spoke up "c-c-code r-r-r-red." Our safe word. I immediately grabbed my phone then stop recording, I took off her blind fold then un tied her holding her tight. Oh god did I fuck up?

Y/n's pov

Oh god that was fucking amazing, but I just wanted to change the position "B-Boris, please put me in doggy style and fuck me more...please.." I begged, I saw him smirk before getting me on my knees and shoving my head into the pillows. He propped his phone up again and hit record, he gently slipped himself into my hole making me shiver in pleasure. He then roughly started to thrust into my pussy non stop, I felt like I was going to pass out. The smell of cigarettes filled the air, it made me cough slightly. He put out the cigarette then grabbed my arms and yanking them behind me, they helped get him in deeper. I could feel his dick curve into my g-spot making me scream out in pleasure. He kept cussing under his breath and letting out loud groans. We had totally forgot that Theo was coming over, I heard something squeak but I thought it was just the bed creaking from the amount of force Boris was fucking me.

3rd person

Theo watched Boris fuck the brains out of (y/n). It made him embarrassed, but he kept watching. Until he heard his named called "Oi Potter! Hold the phone so the angles get better!" Theo nodded softly then took the phone and helped get better angles, he felt his his pants tighten seeing (y/n)'s cute face. It was dirty with drool and tears but she looked so happy being fucked, Theo whined then propped himself in front of (y/n) making Boris chuckle "wanna get your dick sucked ey? Potter?" Theo blushed then grumbled "Shut up Boris. (Y/n)...please suck my dick.." he mumbled still filming, (y/n) nodded and slid down Theo's pants and boxers. She was caught off guard by Boris slamming into her pussy again, Boris grabbed the back of her head then forced her to deepthroat Potter. (Y/n) gagged slightly the whimpered loudly, potted almost dropped the phone trying to record still. (Y/n) started to suck off Theo, he grumbled then decided fuck it. He stopped the recording then started to face fuck (y/n), her eyes watered feeling her stomach tighten up getting that feeling again. Boris smiled when he felt (y/n) tighten up around him, he looked up at Theo who was already about to cum "On three, we will all come together. Or try to." He said while thrusting into (y/n) at un human speeds, Theo did the same. The three of them let their orgasms go at the same time with a shaky exhale, Theo gently pulled out of (y/n)'s mouth as Boris pulled out of the girls pussy. (Y/n) laid there shaking and sobbing Theo was the first to pull her into a tight hug, whispering sweet nothings and rubbing her back "Jesus Christ Boris what the hell did you even do to her?" He asked curious on what fun they before he got to the house.

"It was one of her dark fantasies to be tied up, overstimed, and taken advantage of." He said bluntly before getting a towel to clean (y/n) up, Boris laid her down then cuddled with (y/n). Theo joined the cuddle session, they both started to praise (y/n) for doing so good for them.

"I love you (y/n)." Theo and Boris said at the same time, they glared at each other before (y/n) smiled.

"I love you idiots to."

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