I hate you.

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Very mean words
Mainly coming from Mike
Physical abuse
Shoving from miles and a kick to the stomach
Just some heavy heavy stuff

Mike's pov

Me and (y/n) were arguing about god knows what, all I know was that I was jealous about how much time (y/n) was spending with Will. She was trying to be reasonable but I was just way to angry. "Mike please just listen to me! Will is one of my best friends, I just missed him and wanted to catch up! Why are you being this way?!" I turned around towards her and shoved her into a wall aggressively, my head was screaming at me to stop but I was to blinded by rage "Why am I being like this?! Oh that rich coming from the same bitch who got jealous when El came around! Why don't you see the problem with this relationship is you, always sucking someone's dick when I'm not around!" I screamed in her face, i felt my stomach turn in disgust. Why was I being this way? What was wrong with me? But, why am I still talking? "Oh and don't think I don't know what you did in the past, must feel good being a fucking whore." Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop talking, don't say it. You don't mean it. Don't say it. "Everything was a fucking mistake, I fucking hate you." I pushed her to the ground, I regretted everything and just wanted to hold her again. She looked up at me with horror and started sobbing. Why was I still so angry? Stop, mike. Don't touch her again, she'll never want you again. Next thing I knew I had kicked her in the stomach, I screamed such horrible words at her. God what the fuck is wrong with me?

Y/n's pov

I wanted to just run away, he hurt me in ways I have never felt before. I picked up whatever strength I had left and ran, I ran as fast as I could away from him. My stomach burned, my eyes were puffy. I could barley breathe. I ran to my house, quickly opening my front door and slamming it behind me. I ran to my room and slammed the door, I shoved my face into the pillows sobbing loudly, I just wanted Mike to hug me. I needed to be comforted, but why was he acting this way? I didn't do anything, I just wanted to hang out with Will today. But I guess I can't even do that. I just wanted the pain to stop, I wanted everyone to just stop hating me. All I had left was Mike and Will, now all I had was Will. I grabbed my walkie talkie sniffling, I tried to reach Will "A-Are you on? Ov-over." I waited for about 2 minutes before Will picked up his walkie talkie "(y/n)? What's wrong?" He asked me, I just felt like sobbing again. "C-Can you please c-come over? Please? Over." Will came back after a minute laughing with someone, "Sorry (y/n)! I can't, I'm hanging out with the guys. But I hope you get better. Over!" He said to me before turning it off, I sat there whimpering and shaking. Now I had no one to talk to. I was alone again, just like when I was in the upside down. It was cold and my heart hurt.

Why did everyone hate me? What was the reason? What did I do? Please help me. Someone, anyone, I want to hang out with someone and I want someone to treat like an actually person and not a slab of meat. After crying for about 20 minutes I heard a knock on my door, I got up rubbing the remaining tears off my face. I opened the door only to see Mike.

Why. Why was he here? I just wanted to hide. Please mike. Just leave me.

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