I think you're adorable.

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Will include
Femboy reader
Meaning a male that likes to dress like a female
Meaning gentle sex since you are a virgin
And praising!
By bowers and his gang, you can skip the paragraph
If you can't handle it! 💕

You and Richie have been together for a couple of years now, you couldn't imagine yourself with anyone else. You and Richie were in town going to a local ice cream stand, when bowers and his gang came up behind the two of you. "Look what we have here, two fags. And I thought this day couldn't get worse." Henry said expecting Richie to try something but nothing, he didn't get the reaction he wanted. So he decided to grab (y/n) away from Richie, making the man turn around quickly "what the fuck is your problem bowers?!" Richie yelled making (y/n) whimper, bowers had tossed him to one of his goons. (Y/n) was trying his best to get away from them just to get back to Richie "let me go! What did I even do to you?!" (Y/n) yelled making Henry turn to him, his face was twisted into a crooked smile. Richie growled then pushed Henry to the ground, he grabbed (y/n) before the gang could figure out why the hell henry was on the ground. The two of you ran back to Richie's house, he shut the door then look down at (y/n).

Richie's pov

He always looked so cute, it didn't matter if he was wearing male clothes around the losers club or cute girly clothes around me. I didn't mind it at all, I loved when he was himself around me. Me and (Y/n) were sitting on my bed watching tv, I could tell (y/n) was getting antsy. It was so cute when he wanted me, we had never had sex. Only mutual masterbation, he was so cute getting all embarrassed for me. That's when (y/n) sat up and looked up at me with an embarrassing look. "What's wrong baby boy? Are you okay?" I asked, I watched him get up and go into the closet. When he walked out I could've came right then and there. He was wearing a cute hoodie with a plaid skirt and thigh highs, he looked so adorable. He sat on my lap and looked down at me "Richie, c-could we try having sex?"

3rd person pov

Richie looked up at (y/n) then sighed sitting up, he took (y/n)'s shoulders into his hands and smiled softly "look, I don't want you to think I want you for your body. This is your first time, and I want you to be completely sure that I am the man that you want. So think about this carefully honey." This made (y/n) blush, he nodded. "I-I am ready, I-I want to h-have my first time with you." (Y/n) placed a kiss on Richie's lips, Richie kissed back then laid (y/n) down so that he was on top. (Y/n) whimpered then grabbed onto Richie's shoulders, (y/n) instantly melted when Richie kissed down his neck. Richie enjoyed the cute sounds that his boy made, he was so happy that this boy was going to be his and his only. Richie slipped down to (y/n)'s neck peppering his neck with soft kisses, this made (y/n) lose himself. He whined and wrapped his legs around Richie's waist "R-Richie, n-not so hard." He pleaded making Richie soften his nibbles, Richie felt himself starting to move his hands up the boys thighs. He stopped himself before he touched the male's member "(y/n), may I?" He asked for consent for touching (y/n) since he knew how the boy felt about being touched a certain way, (y/n) nodded then felt Richie's hands move their way up his skirt. Richie turned bright red when he figured out that (y/n) was wearing a pair of panties Richie had bought for him, this made Richie smile softly "So you like the panties I got you? I'm so happy, but hun, you're leaking." He said making (y/n) blush, he looked away from Richie feeling embarrassed by the fact that he was so turned on he started leaking. How embarrassing. (Y/n) started to buck his hips to meet Richie's hand, Richie helped the boy out by wrapping his hand the males length then started to pump. (Y/n) shivered when his cock was being played with, (y/n) saw Richie lick his middle finger.

"(Y/n), want me to try and stretch you?" (Y/n) nodded then let out a loud hiss when the tip of Richie's finger went inside of him, Richie stopped when he heard (y/n) but the boy just whined and told him to keep going. Richie nodded then gently slid the rest of his finger inside the male, he stopped to make sure (y/n) was comfortable only to be met with (y/n) moving on his own to get more friction. Richie started to move his finger back and forth inside the man, (y/n) moaned loudly when his prostate was touched making Richie blush a bright red. Richie slid his ring finger inside with his middle finger making (y/n)'s toes curl up, Richie let out a soft growl. He propped himself up to (y/n)'s hole, he looked at (y/n) with a caring look in his eyes. (Y/n) blushed then nodded, they both knew what the nod meant, Richie took off his glasses then looked down at (y/n)'s cute torso or whatever he could see from it. He slowly slid himself inside of (y/n) making the smaller male whimper, when Richie was half way he bottomed out into (y/n). (Y/n) was caught off guard by the sudden abuse of his prostate with the first thrust, it almost made him go stupid. Scratch that. It did make him go stupid.

Richie's pov

Oh god, I didn't mean to thrust all the way in at the end. He's going to kill me. But when I looked down at him he looked like he was in bliss, so I started to thrust into into his cute hole. I loved seeing his face contort in embarrassment and pleasure, he looked so adorable. I slow downed my thrusts to make the moment more sensual, I leaned down to meet his lips. They were so cute and wet from all the drool, he kissed back and melted into the kiss like he usually did. I picked up speed knowing we both weren't going to last long, I looked down at him smiling softly "I'm gonna cum baby boy- ah fuck!-" I tried to pull out of him but his legs kept me there, ending up in me cumming inside him. He came after me, I just looked down at him trying to catch his breath. It was so cute. I am so lucky to have this beautiful boy by my side.

3rd person pov

(Y/n) was shaking from pleasure, Richie pulled out of him then got a couple of paper towels to clean the boy up. Richie cuddled up to (y/n) looking down at him "Was that okay princess?" Richie asked smiling softly feeling the boy's full lips kiss his cheek "it was amazing, thank you so much Richie." They both cuddled closer together falling asleep in each other's arms.

Just peaceful times with his princess.


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