Fluffy time!

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Chubby reader
Miles being a soft creepy boy

(Y/n) was starring into her mirror, she was on the chubby side and she knew it. When she went to school people never talked about it but it was obvious the people were always staring daggers into her, she was with Miles. The school deemed him a "sexy possessed kid." Anytime he walked in the halls he got glances from the girls and even the guys, but when (y/n) walked with him people looked disgusted and confused. She didn't want to ruin Miles reputation so she distanced herself from him, Miles hated that. Whenever he saw her he was always kissing and hugging her, he was all over her. That made her happy but she was still insecure about being with him since the girls around her, even though she knew Miles would kill anyone that was mean to her. One day while they were home Miles saw his beautiful (y/n) sobbing in her room, she was pinching at the skin on her stomach. She started down talking at herself which made Miles blood boil, he busted in her room making the girl jump and try to cover up "Miles! G-Get out-" "I will when you start loving yourself." Miles interrupted making (y/n) pout, she looked away from Miles.

Miles had (y/n) pinned down, he was grumbling and cursing under his breath. He was upset that (y/n) thought of herself as anything other than perfect, he started to kiss the girls stomach making her flinch and giggle. He smiled when she started to giggle, he looked up at her to see his lover a bright shade of red. He sat up and hugged her "Tell me. Why do you talk down about yourself? You're the most beautiful girl in the world." He said sounding annoyed, (y/n) shrugged and hugged onto him "I-I don't know, just everyone else at the school is slim and pretty. But I'm just-" "Say it, I fucking dare you." Miles interrupted making (y/n) frown, he then kissed her face repeatedly making the girl giggle loudly. He sat up and pulled the girl into his lap, she squirmed abit before he pinched her

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