Wait what?! Pt 1

93 3 4

Will include
Lots of confusion
And soft nsfw

(Y/n) woke up next to her loving boyfriend Finn, she smiled and kissed his face "Good morning Finnie." Finn looked confused and pouted. "Who the fuck is Finnie?" A raspy Russian accent filled (y/n)'s ears, she sat up quickly then fell off the bed on another person. "Ow hey what the fuck- oh morning Bub!" (Y/n) recognized everyone, Boris was in the bed with her, Richie was under her, Miles was in the corner of the room sleeping, Mike was face first in the floor, and Finn was nowhere to be seen. She stood up then started to panic "how the fuck did his characters come to life?!" She thought before feeling protective arms on her waist, pulling her in. She eased into the hug and smelt Finn behind her, he was scowling while looking at the others. "Hey! Hands off MY princess!" Boris growled making Richie pop his head back up "YOUR princess?! She's my bubba!" Miles stood up and sighed "She's not your bubba or your princess. She's my-" "Enough!" (Y/n) flinched when Finn yelled, the rest of the guys looked over at a panicked (y/n). They all stood up to face (y/n), the small girl pouted then pointed downstairs "Everyone downstairs! Before I beat your cute asses." The boys ran downstairs quickly to get a seat, Richie fell down the stairs and let out a groan. The rest of the guys laugh but (y/n) helped him up and kissed his pain away "You okay bubba?" "Just fine Bub." Richie said before sitting down in a seat acting smug, (y/n) sat down and sighed. "So, boys. You guys are all characters played by that guy over there. Finn Wolfhard." She pointed to Finn who waved uncomfortably "That's why you all sound the same and look the same, and that's why you all have sexual attraction towards....me."

Boris was the first to speak up "So, if we are him. Who has bigger dick?" (Y/n) choked on her spit and shrugged "I-I don't know, i-I guess y-you would have t-to measure-" "Then measure princess." (Y/n) blushed and nodded, she found a measuring tape then walked back in the kitchen everyone had their dicks out on the table. (Y/n) coughed and started to measure. "S-So you guys are ba-basically everyone here is the same length and um g-girth. Except for Finn, h-he's the biggest." Finn smirked, everyone put their pants on. (Y/n) heard a whine in the closet then walked to it, she opened the closet only to find Tyler. "P-Puppy! Someone shoved me in the closet! He was a Russian guy and he looked a lot like me, I was so scared.." he buried his face into the crook of (y/n)'s neck, she wrapped her arms around him pouting. "It's okay Ty, sit on the couch and I'll come cuddle with you okay?" Tyler nodded then sat curled up on the couch, (y/n) walked over to Boris and pouted "Go say sorry to Tyler! And everyone sit on the couch, we're going to watch a movie." Boris grumbled and walked over to Tyler, he mumbled sorry then (y/n) grabbed his ears. "Jesus woman- okay! Apologizes!" Tyler nodded then hugged the couch pillow waiting for (y/n) to come and give him the love he wanted, once all the boys sat down she decided to play everyone's movie. It was first, Richie almost choked on his sprite "HOLY FUCK IT'S ME, HOW THE HELL DID THEY GET ME ON TV?!" next was The Turning "Eh? What the hell, we're these creeps fucking filming me in my house?" Next was The Goldfinch, everyone in the room started sobbing when the movie was over. They all walked to Boris and started to hug him.

Next was Stranger Things "Huh!? That's so creepy! Turn it off! Turn it off!" And lastly was Dog Days, everyone made loud aww's. Once they were done with their movie marathons they all stared at (y/n), she knew the look pretty well. They wanted to fuck. She groaned and shook her head. "Nonononono! We are not having sex. No way, not with all five of you!" They all frowned as (y/n) got up, she clapped her hands together smiling "Bed time boys! I will try to give you all cuddles okay?" Richie smirked then kissed (y/n)'s ear "hopefully more than cuddle bubba." She shivered then slapped his shoulder, the boys headed upstairs and she kissed every single one of them. Until Finn gently took her wrist and lead her to the bathroom, he sat her on the toilet seat and shut the door. He locked it then smashed his lips against hers, but his taste was different. It tasted like alcohol and cigarettes, she knew it was Boris. But she didn't care, she kissed him back and let out soft whines, Boris smirked then bit her bottom lip "You like that eh princess." (Y/n) frantically nodded "I-I do, I love it Boris." She hissed softly when she felt his cold fingers dig into her hips, she pulled away after awhile. "You should go up before they get suspicious, just say I was eating a snack." Boris smiled then nodded, kissing her head gently "Of course princess." He walked out then bathroom then walked upstairs yawning. "Hey where's my bub!" "She eat snack downstairs." Everyone nodded then waited for her, they then looked at Finn with pure confusion "So we are you? If that's so does this mean we are all technically related?" Tyler asked making Richie nod "That must be it!"

Y/n) walked back into the room after about 35 minutes of just mentally cursing herself out 'it's not cheating right? It's the same person.' After awhile she walked up to the room to find the boys passed out, she smiled to herself then laid on the boys. "Good night my babies."


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