Uhm i made a plot for this picture [nsfw]

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Ddlg themes
Live sex lmao
Fans going apeshit
Mentions of consensual foursomes

Finn was on a live, he was just talking to his fans when he felt a tug on his pants. He looked down to see (y/n), she was grinding herself against his foot whining softly. She didn't want to ruin Finn's image so she was always careful with the ways she touched him, but Finn had different ideas. He had only let people 18+ and older into his live streams since he cussed a lot while playing video games, he didn't want to be blamed for teaching kids cuss words. Especially ones that weren't his. He smirked when the comments started asking where (y/n) was.

Pookielol: where is y/n?
Y/nlover23: yeah bring her in
Finny.mvp: ugh why she's kinda annoying
Goatman: stfu @Finny.mvp before I eat your phone

"Oh where is (y/n)? She's right here, poke your head up and say hi babygirl."

(Y/n) flinched then peeked her head up to meet the camera, she waved awkwardly. She was wearing her designated little attire, soft baby pink skirt, a white hoodie with Finn's band on it and white stalkings. Finn leaned down and kissed the girl on the head before stretching back with his arms around his head, "Babygirl, why don't you give me a treat eh? It is Valentine's Day." (Y/n) blushed a bright shade of red then hid her face in her face in her hands "B-but Finn, that's.." he leaned down the grabbed the girls chin, he pulled her in for a heated kiss. She whimpered when his tongue started to roam her mouth, the comments started going crazy when they started making out.


Finn pulled back then picked up his phone he flipped the camera so it was facing (y/n), she was undoing his belt and pulling his boxers down. She was looking down in embarrassment, Finn lifted her chin so that she looking up at the camera. Finn moved his thumb across her lips making them move to the side, he rubbed (y/n)'s saliva across her lips making them glossy. "I bet you guys have never seen (y/n) like this, she's always this cute at night. Even in interviews she always has a cute toy with her at all times. Isn't that right babygirl?" (Y/n) nodded and started to suck on the males thumb, he moved his thumb out of her mouth then smile down out her. Her grabbed the base of his cock and started to hit the girls mouth with his tip, she whined and opened her mouth. She sucked on the males tip, Finn patted the girls he'd then started to read the comments to himself.

jackdgrazer: AH- MY VIRGIN EYES
noachschnapp: wait what the fuck did he mean by she has a toy with her at interviews- wait- DID SHE HAVE A VIBRATOR ON HER WHEN WE WERE ON SET?? THATS WHY SHE WAS ALWAYS SHAKING.
pookielol: I am currently vibing rn
Finny.mvp: mans is packing a 9 inch fat back

He chuckled before letting out a low groan, he felt the girl half way down his shaft. He bucked his hips in her throat making the girl gag, she whimpered when Finn grabbed the back of her head. He thrusted his hips up in her mouth, her eyes started to water from the violent friction in her throat. She held onto Finn's thighs, she bobbed her head at a quick pace making Finn let out deep moans and grunts. He leaned his head back chuckling up to himself, he shoved her head down and held her down "Stay here babygirl, show them how good you can take my cum and cock down your throat." (Y/n)'s face started to burn from the lack of air, she started to breathe through her nose before feeling the warm liquid clog her throat. She let out a small whine before Finn let her pull away, she showed Finn the mess that was in her mouth. He placed the phone down on its side so it caught everything that was happening, he leaned down and spit in the girl mouth making her flinch. He put a hand over her mouth then smiled "You can swallow now baby." She swallowed and let out a shaky breathe, she crawled up in the mans lap whining. He hushed her then pulled her in for another kiss, she instantly melted and turn into putty in his hands.

"Quit your whining baby, I'm going to fuck you. I promise okay?" He assured her making her nod, he positioned himself against her. She hid her face face in his neck and started to grind against him, he lined himself up with her hole then gently pushed her down. (Y/n) let out a small whimper, she arched her back then started to move her hips up and down. Finn let out a low grunt then slammed her hips down, she let out a loud cry of pleasure. She leaned her head back glancing at the camera before picking her head back up, she started to bounce. "Fuck. You like this hun. Should we have sex in a live more often?" (Y/n) nodded as she felt Finn thrust up into her, she let out a moan then started to shake "D-Daddy...please. I-I'm already close-" "Hold it baby girl, we have to give them a show." He laid her down on her back, he lifted her legs over his shoulders then started to go feral. He thrusts were rough and fast, it made their bed move back and fourth from the amount of friction. The headboard hit the wall every time the male thrusted into her, she felt him slam into her cervix every time he thrusted.

Pookielol: I'm- bro their neighbors boutta call the cops 🦍

(Y/n) thought she was in heaven, her insides were burning. He clit was red and puffy. She couldn't feel her legs, she was drooling all over. Finn started to flick the girls clit with his thumb, her hips bucked and her back arched. She was close to cumming, she just needed an extra push. But Finn slowed down and reached for the phone again, he flipped the camera to (y/n)'s swollen pussy and smiled. "Thought you guys should get a good look for the grand finale." He started to slowly move his hips, his thrusts were slow and teasing at this point. (Y/n) whimpered and moved her hips "D-Daddy please move. I-I need-" she couldn't even get through her sentence before feeling a slap on her thigh and Finn thrusting into her cervix again. She swallowed the lump in her throat and let out a broken moan, she covered her mouth with her sweater sleeve biting on the soft fabric. She started to leak and squirt, Finn bit his lip letting out soft praises like "good girl." "you're doing so good." He let out a pained sigh leaning his head back "Are you close baby girl?" (Y/n) nodded frantically looking up at Finn, she had tears in her eyes and a lust filled gaze. She put her right hand on the males thigh, she was letting out small whimpers and broken moans.

"D-daddy! I'm-" "I know baby, me to baby, come on. Let's cum together- fuck." He pushed him self into her and started to cum, he placed the phone back on the night stand so it was facing them. He took (y/n)'s head in his hand and kissed her, her hips were shaking when she started to cum. He lifted the girl up and held her in front of the camera, he pulled his cock out of her and let his warm liquids run out of her. He tapped her cheek and licked her bottom lip. "You did so good, say bye to the lovely people." (Y/n) waved sluggishly started to already pass out, Finn took the phone and sat down with (y/n) still in his lap. His hair was stuck to his forehead due to sweat and his breathing was shaky. He laughed when he saw Jack and Noah freaking out "Eye Jack, Noah. We could always just have a foursome. I'm sure my princess wouldn't mind."

jackdgrazer: wait wait wait wait DEADASS??
noahschnapp: hypothetically, if we did, when would it be? 👁👁
Pookielol has left.
Finny.mvp has left.

"Tomorrow after the interview. Wouldn't you love that baby?" (Y/n) whimpered and rocked her hips "y-yes daddy, anything t-to please you." She whined out looking down at the bulge in her stomach, he smiled and kissed her head. "Yeah she's a little tired, probably going to log off for the night. See y'all tomorrow."

finnwolfhardofficial had ended the live.

Yo uhm this is so horny, and for what?
Anyway I'm also gonna make  a gif
Imagines for Finn and his characters
Ight ily guys bye.
Also should I make a part 2? Lemme know.

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