November 27, 1999

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There were just too many things wrong with the situation. One: He was a Weasley. He was kin to Fred! He wasn't just a brother, either. He was his best friend and twin! Only a madman would date both twins. It was just plain messed up. What would Mrs. Weasley say? She would think poorly of me and never allow it.

Two: he deserved someone better. I could never measure up, could never be what he needed. I was too loud and easily provoked. He didn't deserve my outbursts.

And three: I didn't want to lose him. I'd lost too many people that were near and dear to my heart; I didn't know if my heart could take another blow. I felt like loving me sad to dangerous and only brought harm. I caused a lot of problems for other people for various reasons. I was too scared to have anything bad happen to George again.

So, with these beliefs in mind, I tried to "avoid" him. Newsflash: you can't really do that when you LIVE and WORK with them. And, eventually, because George was so sweet and passionate and so funny, my heart took over no matter how hard I tried to restrain it.

I had to tell. Right there and then.

"George," I called as I ran out of my bedroom one Saturday morning. "Where are you?"

"Eym rushing my eeth." He opened the door to the bathroom and stepped out into the hallway with a toothbrush in his mouth. "Wut's up?"

I could help grinning like a kid as I went to meet him. "Oh, finish up, will you? I've got something to tell you."

"Wut if I don?" he teased, lowering his face to mine.

"Egh!" I turned my head and pushed his chest towards the bathroom. "I'll wait." He laughed and I put my back on the wall opposite the bathroom.

"Okay," he said as he leaned against the door frame and looked at me. "Now, what is so important I can't be brushing my teeth when I hear it?"

"Well," I started. "I've not been the best lately. I know I've been distant and haven't wanted to talk, but, the truth is..." I looked up at him. "I can't help it, George. I've fallen in love with you."

His eyes grew wide. "You're right. I need my mouth and hands free." He wrapped his arm around my waist as I put my hands on his chest in the same moment, like we both had a reflex. I pushed him back against the door frame and our lips locked, and this time, let it last a little longer.

Kissing George was freeing; I let all my worries go and thought only about  me and him and him and me. We both smiled through the kiss, and I realized that it really would be alright in the end.

We broke apart, and George leaned his head back, smiling to himself. How glorious this moment was. The man I loved was wonderful.

"Izzy," he said, looking down at me. "I have to ask before I forget. Ron has expressed and interest in joing our team, and I think it's a splendid idea. What do you think?"

"Of course!" I responded. "That's brilliant!"

"We'd have to set up a connection to the Floo Network, 'cause Ron's a bit lazy, I'm afraid, but I'm sure he won't be lazy on the job. I can get that taken care of if you agree to come to family dinner with me tomorrow night."

I narrowed my eyes and shook my head at him. "You drive me crackers, you know that, right?"

He shrugged. "What?! Is that so wrong, to make a deal?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, I'll go."

He smiled slyly. "I knew I could get you to agree." He leaned down for another kiss, and I met him halfway.

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