July 27, 1997

178 2 1

We got together at number twelve, Grimmauld Place to see everyone off.

"Be careful," Mrs. Weasley was saying. I went around hugging everyone.

"Be safe." And then I got to Fred. I looked at him and I'm sure the fear was evident in my eyes. He just smiled like he knew everything would be fine and I hoped he was right. I pulled him fast into a hug, possibly for the last...no, I couldn't let my mind fo there. I curled into him, hiding my face in his chest to try and stop myself from crying.

"Alright, let's go," huffed Mad-Eye. I reluctantly pulled away from him and let them go.

I sighed and went over to where Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were standing. "Shall we go?" The former asked. I nodded and got my small suitcase. The twins and I would be staying for the wedding and then heading back to work. I took Ginny's hand and she took her mother's, who Apparated us to the Burrow.

"You'll be staying with Hermione and Ginny in Ginny's room," said Mrs. Weasley shakily as we walked up to the house. She could not hide her fright, and frankly, neither could I. We busied ourselves with setting up my area in the room for a distraction without much conversation.

Only when it seemed that nothing else could be done to assure I was comfortable in Ginny's room did we talk.

"I really like the rules you've set for your flat, Isabella," Mrs. Weasley said.

"You do?" I was a bit confused with how she knew about them, but then again, I was not surprised. Molly Weasley finds out. That's just how it works. 

I knew that she didn't exactly approve of my living with them, which was part of the reason I had established rules.

"Of course! I like that you make the boys clean and help make meals and such. Oh, and I especially love that you have them come home every Sunday for family dinner. It's so smart!"

If I hadn't been so tense I might have blushed. "Well, family is everything."

"Yes, it is," smiled Mrs. Weasley. And then it went quiet again as I sat on my bed facing the other two women sat on Ginny's. It was then that I realized all three of us had lovers out there, risking their lives. I also realized that five of them out there were Weasleys, and what wonderful people they are. Looking back on it, I probably should not have said "family is everything" at that moment given the situation.

After what felt like an eternity, Ginny spoke. "It's almost time. Let's go downstairs," and she led the way.

We watched out of the kitchen window for the first Portkey, hands clasped tight together.

A blue light pierced through the dark of the night and we ran outside to greet Ron and Tonks, but they did not appear beside the oil can on the ground. I stared at it, unblinking, horrors unfolding in my mind.

The Portkeys were set mere minutes apart and so as we stood in silence, the second arrived. An old shoe, not accompanied by Mr. Weasley or Fred. Immediately I turned to go inside, fear gripping my throat, threatening to take over.

I sat down on a chair in the sitting room, one hand clenching the armrest, the other clutching my necklace, the thing closest to my heart. It took all of my person to keep from screaming. Where were they? Where was Fred? What happened-

"Harry? You are the real Harry?" I heard Mrs. Weasley's voice and lept to my feet. "Where are the others?"

"What d'you mean? Isn't anyone else back?" I ran into the yard to see Harry and Hagrid stumbling to their feet. I gulped for air to make sure I could still breathe as Harry said something about Death Eaters and Mrs. Weasley hugged him.

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