July 30, 1997

138 2 1

A day out was exactly what I needed. Even though I had only been at the Burrow for two days, I was growing tired of all the people in one space all the time. The most people I'd ever lived with were four other girls in the dorms at Hogwarts. Mrs. Weasley could tell I was itching to get out so she gave me a set of "errands" to run and told me to take as much time as I needed on one condition: the boys were not to come with me as they were needed at the house. But, to be honest, I hadn't wanted to bring them along in the first place. I was going to do some extra things for me and I would rather do them on my own.

And so, before anybody else was up, Mrs. Weasley fixed me breakfast and gave me some money and I was off to Diagon Alley.

First I went and checked on the store, made sure everything was alright there, and then I picked up things like table toppers and candles and other various items. Then I Apparated to my house before I lived in the flat.

I knocked on the front door with my foot and pondered why I chose to buy everything first when my hands would be full. I dismissed the thought as the door opened.

"Isabella!" cried my grandmother. "What a pleasant surprise! Come in"

I honestly didn't see why she was so surprised to see me; I upheld the rules at my flat. I ate dinner every Sunday with my family.

I sat my grocery bags on the counter while Grandma fixed some tea. "Oh, don't do that. I won't be here long at all. I need to talk to Grandpa."

"Well, knowing him, that could be a long time. He'll be in the lab."

"Thanks." I found him right where I had thought he'd be at the stove, stirring up his latest concoction. He looked up and gave a little gasp. "Isabella! What brings you here?"

"I was just wondering if we could talk about something."

"Oh...yes." He set down the materials he'd been using to brew with and sat down on a stool. As I joined him he turned to me and said, "What's up?"

"Well, it's about this," I answered, pulling my necklace out from underneath my shirt. "What is it?"

"What do you think it is?" Grandpa responded.

"It's a necklace with a charm of course, but I meant...what is it supposed to do?"

Grandpa looked at me intently, trying to read my mind. He was an accomplished Occlumens and I never figured out how to stop him from getting inside my head. "You have an idea of what the necklace is for, but aren't sure. I shall tell you. You're ready now." He took a breath in. "That necklace is the color of your soulmate's eyes."

I looked up at him. "Really?"

"Yes. Here, take it off." I did as he said. "Now hand it to me." As soon as the metal chain left my tough, the charm changed from a pretty brown to a dazzling green.

"Grandma's eyes are the color of the leaves on the trees, just like that!"

"Yes, they are. See, the necklace only responds to the sole person touching it." He handed it back to me, and it turned that lighter maple syrup color once again. "One in a million. I bought it for you in your fifth year to see when you would figure it out."

"Well, when you gave it to me that Christmas, I immediately recognized it. It reminded me of something, but I never realized what." I smiled. "But I think I do now."

"I think you do too." Grandpa patted my back. "Well, what else are you up to?"

"I was buying things for the wedding which you are not to be late for."

"Yes, yes, we know. You've only told us twenty-thousand times." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

"It's because it's important!"

"I know; I'm just messing with you. Alright, well I gotta get back to this mix, so go bug your mom."


I tried to pop in through the Burrow's back door without being heard but it didn't work.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" Mrs. Weasley wrapped her arms around me, not seeming to care about the groceries. She pulled back. "It's so late and I was so worried!"

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Half-past ten." I mentally facepalmed. "I sent everyone to bed so be quiet when you go up there."

"Well, let me empty these bags and then I will." I unloaded the centerpieces and the other odd objects and tiptoed up the staircase.

When I got to the door of Ginny's room, I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. A few steps above the landing, a small, apricot colored ear that looked like it could have been George's missing one sat, twitching every few seconds. An Extendable Ear.

I went over to it and bent down so I was level to it. "I'm home, Fred." As soon as I said those four words, the ear was yanked away. Rolling my eyes, I went into the bedroom. I stood there for a second to let my eyes adjust to the darkness only pierced by a small fire on my pillow. Wait. A fire? My pillow? I gave a little yelp as I raced over to my bed, waking Ginny and Hermione.

By the time we all got there, it was gone. I pulled out my wand and muttered "Lumos" to check the damage, but there was none. Just a small scrap of paper that read, "Goodnight, Love."

Hermione scowled as she read it. "That boy. Giving us all a heart attack just to wish his beloved a good night." She went back to bed and Ginny followed suit.

I smiled as I crawled under the blankets and rested my head on the now warm pillow and easily fell asleep.  

I had the most interesting and random dream. It was a memory from seventh year.

There I stood, in front of the large window in Gryffindor Tower, overlooking the Hogwarts grounds. It was so beautiful, and I relished every moment I got to spend on the campus.

I talked of Quidditch with Katie and Alicia as the sun set, changing the shape of the trees' shadows. I heard the call of my name and turned to see Fred, returning to the common room from his detention with Umbridge.

He came right over to me and I saw his tired face. Something was wrong. I didn't know what it was, but I wasn't going to ask. He would tell me when he wanted me to know. Katie and Alicia continued talking to me but I ignored them. Fred wrapped his arms around my waist, nestled his face in the crook of my neck and began to cry.

I waved the girls away and hugged him back, running my hand through his hair and murmuring condolences in his ear.

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