June 10, 1997

239 4 0

I lugged my two suitcases down the stairs to where my family stood waiting by the front door.

"I can't believe it," Grandpa was saying. "She's leaving, and...oh, look, there's her trunks and everything-"

"Grandpa, this is not unlike my leaving for Hogwarts."

"You'll have to visit," Grandma stated.

"Of course."

"And remember to behave yourself. All work and no play, alright?" added Mum.

"Says the lady who spends each and every day sitting in front of that television, wasting her brain away..."

"I do not! I read!"

I laughed and smiled at her. I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

I turned to Grandpa and gave him a long-lasting hug.

"Alright, alright, break it up. It's my turn." My grandmother forced us apart and pulled me close. "Take care, Isabella."

"You too." I stooped down to pick up my suitcases and looked at all of them with adoring eyes. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Bye." And with a flick of my wand the not-so-familiar-anymore feeling of pressing darkness overwhelmed my senses, but a split second later I ended up in Diagon Alley.

Instantly, the memories of my childhood came rushing back. Buying books at Flourish and Blotts, robes in Madam Malkin's, and my wand at Ollivander's. Strolling through the sunset-lit lane, I walked past Quality Quidditch Supplies, the shop the twins and I spent the more part of our time, and smiled to myself.

At last, I came to number ninety-three. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes stood on a corner, painted with more vibrant colors than all the shops around. I just stood there, taking it all in when I heard a voice call out my name.

I turned toward the sound and found George standing to my left. "Isabella, this way."

I followed him into the store that was closed for after hours. He led me through the shop, giving me a little tour. At the right side of the store, there was a staircase that was blocked off and bore the message NO ENTRY. But George walked right on through the barrier. Up two stairs, he turned around and said, "I'll get those." He pointed his wand at my suitcases and they levitated behind him.

The stairs curved to the left and he said, "This is our flat." It was very open but very messy. George walked left into the kitchen and he motioned for me to follow, but something caught my eye.

There was a hallway to my right shrouded in darkness, but I could just barely make out a figure. I simply stood there, waiting for him to approach.

After what seemed like an eternity, he stepped into the light, and I was face to face with the man I loved. Or had loved some time ago. I didn't know what to think, so I looked him over. His hair was a little longer than George's, and he stood over me like a tower. I noticed his features were a bit strained. He wore an expression of bewilderment on his face.

I reached up to place my hand on his cheek but stopped halfway. I stepped back and stared bravely into his eyes.

"Fred," I began. "I...I'm not here for you. I came because...because of the store. George said you needed help. That's it, alright?" He just stared down at me. "Alright?" He seemed frozen, unable to move or speak. So I turned and joined George in the kitchen.

"When I asked if I could ask you here, he said 'don't bother,' " George explained. "Said 'she's a lost cause.' He was wrong. I didn't tell him you were coming 'cause I thought it'd be a nice surprise, you know? Might cheer him up a bit."

I turned and examined the kitchen. "What a mess you live in! Ugh. And look at the color of these walls!" Pots and pans covered the counters, days-old food sat on the table. The walls were a disgusting yellow-green that reminded me of puke. "My first day off, we are cleaning."

"Guess that'll be in two days, then. We close the shop every Sunday. Here, let me show you your room." I followed him back out to the hallway where I'd met his brother moments before. He lit the torches and it was illuminated. My room was at the very end, on the left wall. He set my suitcases down on my bed and left me to unpack.

My bed was queen sized and the comforter was a pleasant Gryffindor red. I smiled. I was glad to see and be around the twins again but something told me things would get even more awkward than they already were.

After I finished unpacking, I went back to the kitchen.

"Dinner?" George asked. He handed me a bowl of store-bought chicken noodle soup and brought me to the table. We began to eat in silence. "Fred eats in his room."

"That is going to change tomorrow," I stated. "I know for a fact that your mother had you eat all together. Why should that change? It's a good habit."

George just stared at me and chuckled.

"What? It strengthens bonds."

"That is something we need."

I looked at him. "What? Why?"

George stared down into his soup and stirred his spoon around. "Fred isn't doing too well. He won't tell me what's got him so low and I can't figure it out. Hopefully, you can help."

I looked at him. "I'm not sure I'm ready to completely forgive you two. Fred...he really hurt me. It's going to take a lot for me to forgive him."

"I know. But I'm sure you saw his face - he's not healthy, Isabella."

"Well...just give me some time." He nodded.

After a moment of quiet, I asked, "Are you seeing anyone, George?" to make conversation.

He looked up. "No. Well, yeah, there's a girl. She works at a paper shop in Ottery St. Catchpole. I visit her every once in a while. It's nothing serious, though." He paused. "Are you?"

"No. I'm not."

When I went back to my bedroom, I sprawled out on my bed. I kept telling myself all I needed was time. Just time and everything would go back to normal. Well, that, and maybe a long needed talk with Fred.

Dusk Till Dawn: A Fred And George StoryWhere stories live. Discover now