August 1, 1997

130 1 0

Ah, the wedding. How exciting! All the work we had put in during the previous days would finally pay off. And it was just about to start.

I went to go talk to Harry, Ron, Fred, and George who were waiting for the guests to arrive to show them to their seats.

"Love," Fred said to me, "When we get married, can we not bother with any of this nonsense? Everyone can wear what they like."

"Sure thing, Fred," I responded sarcastically. "I'd love a wedding with Ron wearing Muriel's dress robes." I saw Ron's ears begin to tint and we all laughed.

"She's already accepted your proposal, Fred!" George said.

"You think that was a proposal? Fred, you better do better than that."

"But, Love..."

"Stop it!" George said, fake pouting. "I'm already depressed that Bill's found someone he can share his life with! You don't need to go rubbing it in my face that you have, too."

"C' mon, George," said Harry. "Get in the wedding spirit!"

"But they're the worst!" he complained.

Our first group (of young women, might I add) was approaching. "Actually, they might not be so bad. I think I see a few veela cousins. They'll need help understanding our English customs, I'll look after them..."

"Not so fast, Your Holeyness." Fred whispered something in his ear and then let him go. Wondering what he could have said, I turned to leave.


After the vows had been exchanged, it was time to party. Drinking butterbeer, dancing, chatting with old friends. Well, in my case, more like acquaintances. I was talking to Angelina Johnson at the time.

"So," I said. "What's been going on?"

"Well, Lee and I are together," she admitted, smiling.


"Yeah," she chuckled. "He finally managed to convince me to say yes to a date."

"He has determination, that man. Go Jordan!" We laughed. "You know, we can actually get along. Why were we always butting heads in school?"

"I guess it all comes down to the same thing," she said. "Who we love. I had always liked Fred, but it was obvious that he was head-over-heels for you. And I resented you for that. But people change. I'm not a petty schoolgirl anymore. I'm over that."

"Wow." It was hard to process. "I wish you had told me that sooner."

Angelina opened her mouth to say something but the appearance of a bright Patronus in the shape of a lynx cut her off. The lynx opened its mouth to speak in Kingsley Shacklbolt's melodious voice.

"The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

Angelina and I turned and looked at each other at the exact same time.

"Well," I said. "This must be goodbye."

She nodded as did I, and we set off to find our significant others, me holding tight to my necklace.

I couldn't find him in the midst of all the chaos. I saw Ron, Hermione, and Harry and grabbed Hermione's arm. I opened my mouth to ask her where Fred was but stopped when the sensation of Apparation overtook me.

It looked like we hadn't gone anywhere. People still surrounded us.

"Where are we?" asked Ron.

"Tottenham Court Road," Hermione responded. "Walk, just walk. we need to find somewhere for you to change."

Dusk Till Dawn: A Fred And George StoryWhere stories live. Discover now