May 27, 1997

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Even after the talk with Grandpa, I put off opening that letter for weeks. I befriended the owl, Mirelda, and a feisty little thing she was. After about three days, she got tired of my lame excuse for company and began pecking at the letter and then the window and letter again. She even picked at my skin a couple of times, but I held my ground. Yes, I was that stubborn.

But, eventually, after six weeks, my curiosity would get the best of me.

Reaching for the parcel, I took a deep breath as if to prepare myself. My eyes caught the name again and my necklace seared my skin. I had to take it off to continue.

I opened the envelope. It read:

Dear Isabella,

Where to start? A ton has happened since we last saw you. We have the shop in downtown Diagon Alley. It's not much, but it serves its purpose.

After we left, we thought you wouldn't want anything to do with us. So we didn't bother you. But in the beginning, before we left, we thought you'd be with us, experiencing it all alongside us. I still don't understand why you didn't come with us.

We kept going because what else could we do? It was and is our dream to have this shop.

And now we're all nineteen and feeling lost. I'm the only one who's not coward enough to do something about it.

To be truthful, we should have connected like this long ago. I carry no excuses for any of us. But what I want to do is invite you, Isabella, to join me and Fred one last time. Come live with us. Help run the shop with us. Be our friend again. We miss you.

If you choose not to, at least come and visit every once in a while?

Fred sends his love.


I read the letter several times, not really taking it in. All I could think was wow. Wow. I had no other words.

After all this time...

"Ow!" I looked up to see Mirelda flying above my head. "Shoot, I have to write a response." I sat on the edge of my bed, thinking.


I sealed the envelope and sent it off with Mirelda as I pondered the twins' reactions. Suprised? Happy? Sad? Indifferent?

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and began to cook, not a regular occurrence. I knew how to cook, but I preferred my mom's to my own.

"What are you doing in here?" I turned around to face my mother.

"I'm cooking dinner. Because I want to."

She threw me a curious look before exiting the room. "Alright, then."


When we were sat down and almost finished with a delicious shepherd's pie, I lightly touched my fork to my glass to stop the talking and laughing amongst my three elders.

"An announcement?" said my grandfather, looking amused.

"Yes, and an important one at that." Grandma and Mum were staring at me expectantly. I looked down and drew a quick breath. "I'm moving out."

Grandpa's face fell. Grandma looked strangely defeated and Mum mortified. I had more or less expected these reactions but wasn't prepared for the enormity of their impact. I immediately felt guilty. I looked down at my hands.

After a moment of silence, Grandpa asked, "When?"

"Consider this my two weeks notice."

"You're...not working alongside me anymore?"

"I've found a new job."

"But where will you go?" My mother piped up, her voice squeaky. "With that Moldy-er, Voldy guy back? How do I know you'll be safe?"

"It's fine, Mum. I'm going to stay with the Weasleys."

"Why didn't Molly tell us?"

"Because she's not staying with Molly and Arthur," Grandma interjected. "She's staying with those twins."

We all looked at her, very surprised. "You knew?" Mum asked.

"You're going to help with that silly shop?" Grandma asked me, ignoring my mother. I nodded. She then turned to Mum and said, "I always knew this day would come. You can't keep them forever, Violet. You have to learn to let go..."

My mother was in tears. "I've already lost him, I - I don't wanna lose you too."

"Oh, Mum." I stood up and put my arms around her neck. "You've got nothing to worry about." She sobbed quietly in my embrace. After a bit, I walked into the kitchen and brought out the brownies that we ate in silence.

Dusk Till Dawn: A Fred And George StoryWhere stories live. Discover now