July 6, 1997

192 4 0

"You boys ready?" I called down the hall. They appeared not a moment later wearing matching black dragonskin suits. "Alright, let's go." We walked down the stairs, our bodies gliding right through the NO ENTRY sign and out of the shop.

We walked along Diagon Alley to the Leaky Cauldron's Apparation point. We put our arms around each other (I was very conscious of Fred's around my waist) and George took us through the ever impending darkness to Hogsmeade.

I quickly scanned the little village we'd had so many fun times in as students. It was very crowded; many people had come to pay their respects.

I found Kingsley Shacklebolt in the midst of all the people and dragged the twins to follow.

"Well, hello you three," Kingsley said in his soothing, melodious tone. He looked to the sky. "Beautiful summer's day, isn't it?"

I followed his gaze. The sky was as blue as ever, without a single cloud in sight. The sparse trees swayed in the wind that was the least bit chilly.

"Yes, yes it is," responded George. We'd arrived up at the lake, where several hundred chairs had been set up, facing a small podium and table.

I saw a flash of red hair and led the twins to their family.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley walked in front of Fleur Delacour who helped a beraggled Bill to a seat next to his parents. They all sat in the row.

"Bill," whispered Fred from our seats behind them. He turned to look at us and contorted his face into something resembling a smile. It looked painful. I could see the scars slashed across his face. "How are you doing, bud?"

"Fleur says I'm still handsome, so I must be doing well enough. How about you and your shop though, eh?"

"We're putting food on the table," I answered.

"Plus dessert," added George. "And lots of it." He winked at me, hoping I'd take a hint. He was kidding himself if he thought I was making dinner and dessert every day. I may have rolled my eyes, but I knew I'd be making my brownies soon.

"Shhh," Fred hushed us. "It's starting."

There was abnormal music playing and no one could tell where it was coming from. But we found the source in the water: mermaids were singing in their odd language, a lament for Dumbledore.

When they finished their bittersweet song, Hagrid carried his body wrapped in purple cloth decorated with gold stars to the front and set him ever so gently down on the table. Done with his duty, Hagrid turned and quickly went to the back of the crowd, blubbering as loud as ever. I thought I felt a drop of his tears on my hand as he walked past, but then realized it was my own.

A short little man got up and gave a speech but I barely paid any attention. I gave a jolt, though, when Dumbledore's body erupted into flames, drying my tears, and when they died down, a white tomb was in its place. Then, the centuars sent arrows flying towards us from the forest, paying their respects, and turned to leave, which triggered the audience to leave as well. Students made their way back to the castle, visitors to Hogsmeade, and staff stayed. Along with the three of us.

Once the crowd dispersed, I stood, but not to leave. I walked to the tomb as white as the fire from just moments ago. I put my hand on the cold marble and the tears began to flow again, this time in full force. I stood there sobbing and heard the twins come up behind me. They just let me cry.

"My father," I began, "was murdered." I hadn't ever told anyone that before. I took a deep breath. "I'm a half-blood. My dad was pure-blooded. He met my mother at a hotel in Paris where she worked. When they started dating and when Mum brought him home, my grandfather didn't approve. But he could tell Mum liked him, so he let it be. However, they got married and moved to Great Britain, and my grandfather was very vocal about that. He wanted his daughter closer to home, but they didn't listen. In Great Britain, my dad told Mum about magic. They were happy together.

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