May 1, 1998

106 1 2

I was listening to Fred (no, excuse me, Rapier) in the living room while he broadcasted Potterwatch from his bedroom with George and Lee (I refused to call them by their code names. I listened to it from the living room to entertain them, and that was as far as I would go). Lee was still at wherever he was hiding. George didn't usually participate, but he liked to be up there with his brother while he relayed the latest news.

"And that's the latest report from Rapier, folks," Lee was saying.

"Wait, River, wait."

"What, Rapier?"

I heard George's muffled but excited voice. I sat straight up.

"What is it?" Lee asked again, more insistent.

"Tentacula just saw his Dumbledore's Army Galleon gleam. What's it say, Tentacula?"

I facepalmed. How could they keep all their nicknames straight? And especially now that something big was about to happen?

"Love, get up here now."

I raced up the stairs.

"What is it, Tentacula?" Lee demanded.

"Longbottom's sent a - oh shoot. I mean, uh, Gold Leader's sent a message. 'Potter at Hogwarts. Come help take down Snape. Apparate inside Hog's Head.' "

I looked at George, who looked at Fred, who looked at me. "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go!"

"You heard her," said Lee. "Listeners, come help! We're going to Apparate inside the Hog's Head Inn and we'll be able to get into Hogwarts from there. Bring your wand and every trustworthy person you know! The password for next meeting will be 'Dobby.' See you at the Inn!"

As soon as Lee shut up, Fred grabbed George and I by the waists and got us out of that house. We didn't even wait to tell Muriel where we were off to, a choice I was sure I'd regret.

We appeared right in front of a man who looked strangely like Dumbledore. Then I realized he was a Dumbledore, but not Albus.

"Hello, Mr. Aberforth. Can you -"

"Get you to Hogwarts?" He interrupted. "Yes, yes, come along."

He muttered something about wanting a kip as he led us upstairs and to a portrait already swung open above a mantle. "There you are. Climb in. Hurry along, now." I didn't even notice his annoyed tone in my excitement.

Somewhere along the passageway, we heard multiple sets of footsteps come up behind us. "Is that you, George?" a voice said.

"Lee!" exclaimed Fred. "Oh, it's so good to see you!"

"Likewise, mate."

"Is that Cho?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled. We all hugged and kept journeying together, and we found another person in front of us soon after.

"GINNY!" The twins tackled her to the ground. Lee, Cho, and I stood, watching and laughing along with them.

"Alright, stop," Ginny said. When they didn't let up, she said sternly, "I said stop. We have things to take care of." They immediately got off of her and stood back. She got up and started down the tunnel.

"Blimey," the twins said together. "She's become a Mini-Mum." I laughed and we all followed her.

Ginny climbed out the end of the tunnel into a crowd of people. I had no idea what room it was at all - it was covered in sleeping bags and hammocks.

"Aberforth's getting a bit annoyed," Fred claimed as he stepped into the room. "He wants a kip, and his bar's turned into a railway station."

Cho held up her Galleon and said, "I got the message.

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