chapter one

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Bahija's POV

"Ring...ring.....ring" I didn't bother to check the caller ID, I just received the call. I am so tired from all the work that I have been doing honestly

"Hello big mama" Came her tiny voice and I knew it was my bestfriend, she always called me that

"Anisa I have warned you several times to stop calling me that,I know I'm a bit fat but it does not matter " I spoke with a pout and cleaned the sweat of my face with a tissue

"Ok my dear bestie I'm sorry but I just can't help it you know , I am used to it already" She continued and I just sighed knowing she will never stop "By the way ya kike? Ya shirye shiryen auran Adda wafiya? (By the way how are you? And how is the preparation for Adda wafiya's wedding going)" she asked back in her senses

" gashin munayi (Alhamdulilah we are on it) the house is full and everybody is here" I replied with a sigh, this is so tiring

"Toh Allah ya bada sa'a I will try coming to help you" she said across the line

"Toh Allah ya sa" I replied hoping to see her

"Afra!! Afra!!" I heard my Mom shouting my name from downstairs

"Mommy I'm coming" I shouted back with equal energy

"I can hear mommy calling, you better go before she comes and meet you" anisa said and I replied with "Wallahi kam. Bye bestyy"We bade each other farewell before hunging up.

I went downstairs and attended to mommy,I then came up because we are going out and I am not ready yet. I know for sure Asmau will skin me alive if she finds out that I am not ready yet because she hates waiting and being waited for.

"Afra you're still not ready yet? Have you even taken your bath?" My cousin Asmau asked as she entered the room to pick her phone from the bed.

"No I haven't taken my bath but I am going to now" I replied picking my towel from the bed

"Afra may God deliver you, please be fast everyone is ready except for you" She said before releasing a loud hiss

"Toh Asmau yanzun nan xanyi (ok Asmau I am going to bath now) just give me thirty minutes, I will be ready In shaa Allah. But Asmau you know that I have just being really busy it's not like I refused to take my bath, You know I usually bath immediately I wake up from sleep so it is not my fault" I said to her plugging my phone

"I have heard, now just be fast about it please" she said and slammed the door to the room 

I released a sigh and entered the toilet, I took my bath and got dressed then went downstairs to the crowded and noisy parlour where I sited Adda Azuma given the children caprison. She ordered a lady then turned to me "Yawwa daman ke nake nema (I have been looking for you)" she said after she saw me

"You haven't left?"She asked

"We are leaving now. I am here to collect my bag from you" I replied

"Did you give it to me?" she asked

"Have you forgotten yesterday you collected it from my hand after I came back with Adda wafiya's dilke(tumeric paste)" I replied whistle checking the time on my phone

"Ooh I just remembered. Go out I will ask meeno to bring it outside for you and I hope you are going with her" she spoke after some seconds, I guess she was trying to remember where she kept it

"Yes we are going together with her, Okay bye" I replied and headed out

I went outside and saw Asmau , Layla, kareema, my three cousins waiting already for me, they look like they could eat me off any minute

"Enter the car let us go. We are going to be late all because of you" Asmau said already pissed off.

"Please wait let Meeno bring my bag then we can go and you know she's following us" I replied her typing away on my phone

"Kai ya salam! ( ohh God!),I will never go out with you again. You are annoying and very slow walahi. You are behaving as if something broke in your stomach" she said annoyingly and I ignored her as if she was not talking to me

"You look cute in this dress Afra, Like seriously cute" karima complemented

"Karima you are there talking about cuteness. You don't even care that she's making us late" Asmau scolded

"Sweet sis don't worry we will leave now" Karima replied, she always cools the situation

After a while Meeno brought the bag and apologized for taking our time and we zoomed off to our destination

The Muhammad Asad's

uzma Muhammad Asad(ammy)the first born, she is 27 years old and married with two children which are twins(Abid and Abida) she is a graduate and works at CBN

wafiya muhammad Asad(nuzla) the second born, she is 25years old and recently got married. She is also a graduate, she owns shops in different places like garki, wuse and Gwarimpa here in Abuja.

Bahija Muhammad Asad(afra) she is the third born,she is 23years old and is yet to get married, she is in her final year and also last semester in baze university,she is studying business administration

Abdul rahman Muhammad Asad(Adnan), the fourth,he is 20years old and is studying currently in dubai

Abdul rahim Muhammad Asad(Aman) the fifth born,he is 20years old and also studying in dubai

Then Alhaji Muhammad Asad their father , a multimillionaire who is in his late fifties

And lastly Hajiya Maryam yusuf their mother who is in her late forties

Haidar's family members

Aunty mamee(she is haidar mom)she is very caring and she is a business woman,she owns a store which is "zaid stores"she sells different types of atamfa,laces,material,shoes,handbags,inner wears,and more

Ya faruk(haidar brother) he is the first born,he is thirty two,he is married with two children and he works at zenith bank,he is an accountant

Adda hauwa(she is ya faruk wife, she is twenty seven years old,she has a gigantic saloon where she has like twenty five employees working apart from the cleaners,the cleaners are five,making the staff's to be thirty. In her saloon women are only allowed no men allowed. The name of her saloon is hauwa's galmour

Adda ai's(she is the second born)she s twenty six years old ,she is married with one child which is afan he is three months,she is a medical doctor. She works at nizamiya hospital. The name of her husband is ya abubakar

Aliyu haidar(he is the third born)he works in his dad's  company,he will soon get married.

Fatima(the fourth born)she is still in university,it's remaining two years for her to graduate,she is the last born,they do call her mimi

Bahija's friend

Maryam sidi
Hanifa and more

Bahijas cousins

Manini and more

Haidar friends

Sultan and more

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