chapter nine

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The Assad household has been busy doing one thing or another, the bride herself has been busy also either with the tailor or the event planners or even the henna artist

Time flew by so fast and Today is bahijas first event, which is the henna event .

Bahijas pov

I am dressed in a black dress,which stops just below my knee,and the length of the hand is also short,just perfect for henna ceremony,and it really looks cute,I then tired a red vintage veil on my head

"Bahija here is the henna artist" bibi said as she barged into the backyard,but after saying her salam

"Yawwa,i have been waiting for u people,after all the remaining artist are here" I said releasing a sigh I didn't know I was holding

"Sorry walahi they were stock in a hold up,that's why they arrived late" bibi explained

"Ok no problem,just find a space and sit so that we can start,maryam please stand up so that she can sit" I said to my little cousin

"Sit down and start lemme go and dance with the rest" she said to the henna artist

"Ok go, but you know you are after me ko" I said to her

"Yes I know,ok start your own,mai lalle start"bibi said and left to join them on the stage

She applied my lalle,after an hour she was done,and before you knew it she was done with bibi and anisa's own and rest of the henna artist applied it on other people and we all danced to the wakan gargajiya, everything feels so surreal still

After the henna event was over I went upstairs to my room to refresh and sent those henna pics to haidar

"Hello habiby" I typed away when I entered his dm

"Hey habibty" haidar replied almost immediately

"How are you?"bahija asked

"Not that fine,but Alhamdulila" came his reply

"what happened? pls tell me don't hide anything from me" bahija typed away panicking

"Kawai I have a strong headache I woke up with it and uptill now" he explained

"Allah sarki Allah ya baka lafiya, have you taken a pain killer?" I asked

"Yes I did,the pain has subsided a little but it still hurts ,yawwa I saw ur henna pics, it looks awesome" haidar typed with heart emoji's

"I think you should take hot ginger tea and sleep for a while and everything will be back to normal Insha Allah, I know it's stress. yes fa it is my henna,thank you" I typed my remedy to him " Lemme let u rest,we will talk later or tomorrow insha Allah" I sent another chat again

"Ok toh bye love take care and also my regards to mommy and co" Haidar's replied and went offline, I did same and took my towel then sauntered into the bathroom



"Hanan ,please be fast,you know there is no enough time,I don't like this type of things,you told me you will be here by 6:00 and it's 5:45 already" Bahija ranted pissed up already

"Bahija please i am so sorry, walahi my car broke down,I have called bolt,I will be in your house in the next 10 minutes insha Allah" she apologized across the phone

"no problem till you come" I said and ended the call. She later arrived and did my make up and I got dressed,we called the driver to take us to the venue after about two hours

BAHIJA'S MARRIED LIFE (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now