chapter fourteen

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Bahija POV

It is 6pm and I am just waking up from my deep slumber and I don't even know what to cook for dinner. I lazily came down of the bed and I sauntered into the toilet and washed my face. I went to the guest room and woke the girls up

"Kai afra allow us to sleep some more" karima murmured

"You are not serious, you people haven't prayed zuhr and asr and you are telling me to allow you to sleep,wake jhoor" I said turning the Ac off

"Please allow us to sleep, just 5mins more" manini begged, I jejely went into the toilet and fetched cold water and I splashed it on them

"Innalilahi who is this" meeno yelled waking up abruptly

"It is me afra, Just head to the toilet and freshen up, pray atleast then continue your sleep" i said

"Kai afra" she stood up and went to toilet before I turned to meet the rest

"Oya all of you pray, Let me go nd cook dinner" I said and left the room, I decided to just cook spaghetti and sauce. That's the only thing I could think of at the moment 

I set everthing on the dinning table and left to pray magrib. I informed everyone that dinner is ready and they all came down to eat. We were done by 7:30 and then haidar called me to his room

"Bahija please I want us to act normal" Haidar said calmly

"Why will we act normal,you don't love me nd I don't love you? so why put up a charade, So they should all know the truth" I said standing hands akimbo

"They should all know what?" He asked

"What is happening now" I said and left the room

"So girls pray isha and come let us watch a horror movie" I said walking into the room. We all prayed and came downstairs

I set the parlour and we made popcorn,but I collected my chocolate from meeno first

We started watching truth or dare,the parlour was dark and the film was a horror film, It was scary. I ate 20 bars of chocolate and I was still eating the chocolate

"Afra better stop eating chocolate before your TOM will come and you will have cramps" karima said

"Is it by force allow her na" manini chipped in

"Kai manini why are you wicked" I said

"Jhoor sharap let us watch" meeno yelled

We stayed up till 3am before we decided to sleep. We all retired to our various rooms

Two days later

"Oh God my stomach" I said in between sobs "Wayyo Allah"

It is 10am already and I haven't cooked breakfast for haidar. I tried coming down from the bed but the pain was unbearable,so I just kept on rolling and tossing on the bed crying and praying for someone to come in

"where is this idiot she did not cook break fast for me" I said walking to her room, I met her rolling and crying on her bed

"Bahija what is wrong with you" I asked, because I don't love her doesn't mean I don't have iman

"No no no nothing" she said in between wails

"Let me call meeno then" I walked hastily out of the room

I kept on knocking when I got the room

"Yes" manini stood up and went to open the door

BAHIJA'S MARRIED LIFE (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now