chapter four

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Bahija has now graduated from university and in the next two weeks she will be done with her service. Cox it is already 1year, six months and wafiya, her sister is six months pregnant. Time flies so fast

Mommy's POV

"Mommy when will adnan and aman come home" bahija asked, they were currently in the kitchen cooking

"Sunkusa ai" mommy replied stirring the soup she was cooking

"The house is quite without them" i said, chopping the potatoes

"Yes fa, you want them to come back so that you and them will be eating like donkeys ko" mommy asked,

I laughed before replying "Mommy fa na rage chin abinchi" I said trying to defend myself

"Bawani, gulton kawai, you are just getting fatter day by day" mommy said

" ayyah mommy, I have reduced de Yawwa mommy I think u should tell aunty sadiya to allow asmau to come" I told her, the house is so boring because it's just me and my parents

"I will try, if she doesn't agree that is all" mamie said after collecting the potatoes from me

"Or just leave it" I said to her and tasted the soup before continuing "I will just go to adda nuzlas house" I said hoping she will agree

"You have started ko" mommy said giving me the side eye

"Kai, mommy please" I begged with cute puppy eyes

"I will think about it and get back to you"she replied

"Mommy pleaseeeeeeee" I continued begging

"Okay am just letting you go because she is pregnant" she after a while

"I love you momma" I said and gave her a hug

"U are an adult but you still act like a baby,even your brothers don't act like this" she said and released a sigh

"Kai mama. I am your baby that's why" I said to her and she laughed

"Lemme go and pack my bag" I said and headed to the door

"Just go you are disturbing me sef" mommy said with a fake frown

"Hmmm, bye mommy" I said and ran to my room

Later in the day
mommy and daddy discussing

"Maryam ina bahija ne?" Baba asked after dinner

"She is inside. Lafiya kake nemanta?" Mommy asked confused

"Yes, I want us to talk about her wedding" he stated, glossing his tooth "She is 24 years old and she is still single" he continued

"Yes, but she might say she doesn't have anyone on her mind" mommy said trying to cover up for her

"I already have the right person for her" he said also

"Who is that?" Mommy asked suprised

"You know my friend Alhaji Ibrahim?" He asked

"Yes,that tall one ko?" She asked also

"Yawwa him, you know he has three sons?" He continued his explanation

"Yes haka" she replied

"Two are married remaining the last son who is 26 years old" he said also

"Ok yes haidar ko or what is his name ma?" Mommy asked

"Yes him, I think he should be the one to marry her" he dropped the bomb

BAHIJA'S MARRIED LIFE (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now