Chapter three

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Wafiya POV

Wafiya was discharged earlier and we are currently at our Aunty's house because, the brides house is still crowded

"Afra please help me switch on the heater I want to take my bath" I said to bahija

"There is hot water already in the heater " she replied back

"Ok please help me fetch the water" I said

"Ok get ready, lemme fetch the water for you" she replied and headed to the toilet. My phone rang and I asked Asmau to please pass my ringing phone

"Ok where is the phone"she asked

"Look for it na, were you not the one that pack the stuffs. Check afra's bag" I said to her

"Ok. Lemme check her bag maybe it is there" she replied

"Dan Allah be fast,I don't want to miss the call of whoever it is that is calling me" I told her

"Chill my dear sis, here is it, take your phone" she said to me

"It is abdul sef, and you wanted me to miss the call" I said to her

"Hello swetie nah" he said after I picked the call

"Hello baby how are you?" I replied

"Walahi lafiya kalau ya jikin ( I am fine and how are u feeling now)" he asked

"Alhamdulila, ya gida ( how is everyone at home)" I replied

"everyone is fine, How is mommy and co?" he asked

"Alhamdulila,sorry the wedding was postponed because of me" I pouted

"Haba , it is not your fault ai, kuma sef I wanted the wedding to take place next month, because I want my wife to be healthy" he said comforting me

"Ok,so when are u coming over" i pouted

"Maybe later, because I am really busy now" he said

"Ok badamuwa( no problem) lemme bath ko, I haven't taken my bath today" I said

"Ok take care" he said

"Yawwa bye love" I replied

"Bye habiby" he said and ended the call, while I entered the toilet to take my bath

Bahija POV

After setting adda wafi's water, I settled on the bed and brought out my phone to call bibi my friend

"Hello bibi" I said immediately she picked

"Naam afra how are you?" she asked

"Alhamdulilah, I am good. How is mommy and Safaa" i  asked

"everyone is good Alhamdulila, you have forgotten about me, it is today you remembered I exist" she said

"It is not like that walahi, my sister wafiya is getting married that is why and I have been busy " I replied

"That's why u did not tell me" she said firming hurt

"I said it in the group na" I replied defending myself

"Abeg fashi that group, I no de talk for the group sef" she said with a laugh

"I know now, but you Dey see message abhi, Sha the wedding was postponed sef" I told her

"I Dey see am oo, I Sha no Dey read. Why? What happened?" she asked

"Walahi the bride had an asmath attack" I said

"Subhanalahi, how is she now" she asked

"Alhamdulila she is better now, we were discharged from the hospital today" I said

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