chapter two

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Wafiya's POV

"Assalamu alaikum Mummy na shiga?" I asked standing by the door of her room

"Wa alaikumu salam wafiya shugo( come in)" She replied and I walked inside the room and squatted by her sides as they are some people in the room

"Ok toh mommy, when will the dilke be applied?" I asked her because I was so tired and wanted to rest

"Now, I will send your Aunt khairiya to apply it" she replied typing away on her phone

"Ok tohm mommy lemme go get ready and wait for her to come, I am so exhausted walahi " I replied and stood up

"Ok toh go and wear something so that she'll apply the paste for you. Sannu, I am also tired" she spoke and I muttered a "thank you mommy and left the room

"Khairiya!... khairiya!...." She called out to her younger sister who just passed by her room

"Na'am Mummy is anything wrong?" She asked walking into the room

"Please go and apply the dilki paste on Wafiya" mummy said

"Where is she?And where is the paste?" She asked

"She is in her room and the dilke is also there" mummy replied her and she said "Ok lemme go" before leaving the room and taking the direction to the brides room

"Toh don't take time please" she shouted from the room and I replied with

"Okay mommy" and continued walking

"Yawwa Aunty khairiya daman I have been waiting for you" I said when she walked in

"We should start right?Because I don't have time" aunty khairiya said and I nodded

"Oya sit on the chair let us start" she said and I did I as she said. After about twenty minutes we were done applying it.

"Wafiya go and take your bath and be fast please" She ordered

"Ok toh, I won't take long" I said and went in while she picked her phone and started pressing

Immediately she came out the room was filled up with the scent of turaren wuta ( incense).

I forgot to say she is asthmatic

"Aunty khairiya  have you forgotten that I have asthma and you put on incense. Please take it out before I inhale too much" I said closing my nose

"Oh walahi I forgot, go back inside the toilet Lemme take it out" she said nervously and ran out with it

"Okay" I simply replied as I searched for my breath inside the bathroom

"Where is your inhaler?" She asked when she came in

"It is inside.." Before I could finish my sentence, I fainted

"Ya salam! Wafiya! Wakeup" she shouted panicking

She stood up and left the room calling out for mommy.

"Mommy.. mommy..mommy" she yelled as she ran to her room

"Naam khairiya what is it?" Mommy asked worriedly as she saw her

"Mommy wafiya is unconscious" she said breathing heavily

"How did it happen?" She asked scared standing up from her seating position

"Let us just take her to the hospital" aunty khairiya said panicking

"You will explain on the way" mommy said as they ran to the room

"Ok let me tell the driver to get the car" aunty khairiya said and headed outside

She ran downstairs and went outside calling the driver.

BAHIJA'S MARRIED LIFE (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now