chapter fifteen

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"salamualaikum" I said the taslim after I opened the door

Immediately I entered I kept on shouting bahija's name but no answer

So I went to the direction of the kitchen to check whether she was there and I found her almost lifeless on the ground so I fetched water from the dispenser and splashed it on her. Not long her hands started moving and I just muttered Alhamdulila

"Bahija!bahija! Please Wake up" I screamed keeping her head on my lap

She was not responding so I called the gateman and he helped me to put her in the car so that we will go to the hospital. I called Abdul to tell him to meet us there

"I Am on my way to the hospital" i said driving speedily

"What happened again?" He asked

"Is it not haidar, I told you all that happened and I don't know what he did to her now" I said panicking

"This man will know he doesn't have sense, Which hospital are you going too?" He asked annoyed

"I am taking her to federal staff hospital and please come with some of my cloths" i added

"Ok toh we are coming, drive safely please" he replied and disconnected the call

I took her to the hospital and she was taking into the emergency room Abdul,noorie and larai arrived. I filled all the form and I and abdul went to Bahija house to hear the full story, leaving Larai and Noorie in the hospital

"Salamualaikum, Haidar!! haidar come out here" I yelled as I entered the sitting room

"Who is that shouting?" He asked trudging down the stairs

"Your worst nightmare"I retorted angrily

He released a hiss and stood before us hands akimbo glaring at us

"Haidar you are a bastard because any man that beats a woman is a bastard" I spited the bitter words out

"Hold it there. Don't dare taste my patience" he warned, "because the last thing I will take is been called a bastard" he concluded

"I won't, if you are also going to do what you did to bahija to me go ahead. Don't think because bahija is quite so I am. Wlh I am ten times worst Dan bahija. So you better respect your self and if you think you are shameless let us go. I will teach you good manners and I will teach u how to respect women"I retorted angrily

"Walahi don't try me, is it because am giving you your respect of been my inlaw or what?" He asked eyeing me from head to toe

"Don't give the respect because I don't need a respect of a imbecile" I said

"Don't dare call me names again if not you will not like the next thing that will follow after I am warning you" he rudely said with no respect

"Bastard bastard bastard bastard" I repeatedly cursed

"Sha I don't blame you cox "charity begins at home" came his shameless reply

I raised my hand and landed a very good slap on his face

"What the f***k" I raised my hand to slap her back when something held my hand

Abdul stepped in and landed a very big blow on his nose which led to blood gushing out of his nose

"Haidar you are very stupid" Abdul spatted at him

"See guy back of cox you know I can beat the hell out of you" Haidar who just raised from the ground said with a dripping nose

BAHIJA'S MARRIED LIFE (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now