chapter twelve

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It's another update

It's five months already,Bahija's cousins are visiting tomorrow

Haidar POV

"bahija...bahija" Haidar called from the kitchen

"Naam haidar,am coming" I answered from upstairs

"Come fast now and bring the first aid" he yelled

"Ok am coming now" I turned back to get the first aid before coming down

"Jhoor be fast,is it because I asked for your help....." he kept on yelling, this guys audacity

"Am here...innalilahi how did you injure your hand......."  I asked scared

"Jhoor dress it or allow me to do it myself" he spoke again, why is he so toxic?

"Am sorry lemme do it....." I said and dressed the injury

"Keh where is my lunch" he asked rudely

"It is on the dinning table,will you eat it on dinning or will you eat it in the parlour

"I will eat it here" he said

"Will you freshen up first or_ _ _ (I cut her off)

"You talk too much just get my food" i said angrily

"Don't rise your voice again at it because I care about you"she spat

"How dare you say that to me?" I asked looking at her from head to toe

"Why won't I say it...I have been respecting you,trying my best to see that u love me but it is just useless,and for now whether you love me or not that's your own business" I said and released a loud hiss

"I just stood there looking at her speechless"

"Seee if you like eat if you like stand there that is your wahala" I muttered and walked away

"Innalilahi wa ina alaihi raji'un, what have I done" I asked myself

Bahija's POV

"Oh God I am tired" I yelled after I entered my room, throwing my cap on the bed

I performed ablution and prayed,I carried my laptop from the bedside drawer and called meeno,layla manini and rukayyah

" Hello girls" I said after they picked

"Ina wuni ku" manini greeted

"Alhamdulilah all good" I replied

"How are you all doing?"rukayyah asked

"Good, any latest?"layla

" how is turkey,when are you people coming back" I asked

"Tomorrow we will arrive in the morning insha Allah" layla

"By what time is your flight" rukayyah asked

"7pm insha Allah, we are heading to the airport now" meeno

"Ok Allah ya kawo ku" bahija

"When are you going to kano" rukayyah asked

"After three days insha Allah" layla replied

"Oya na,don't forget my gifts and chocolates" bahija screamed

"I will buy chocolate for you, where is your husband?" manini

Yaaaay, that's why you are my favorite. He is downstairs eating :-bahija

"Ok my regards to him" Manini

"Insha Allah" And I disconnected the call then called mommy, it's been long since we spoke

"Hello Assalamu alaikum" came my voice immediately she picked

"Walaikumu salam ,afra how are you?" She asked across the line

"Naam,mommy good afternoon, Alhamdulilah I am good" I replied

"Afternoon,how are you?" She asked across the line

"Am fine mommy,how is dad and the twins" I asked of my siblings

"We are all fine Alhamdulila,how
is haidar and I hope you are enjoying your married life?" She asked

"Haidar is fine,and am enjoying Alhamdulilah" I hate it when I lie to mommy, but I have to sometimes so she doesn't worry

"Toh masha Allah it is good,when are you visiting his parents"

"I asked him yesterday and he said maybe ending of this week insha Allah" I replied

"Ok,toh no problem,I hope u are doing your duty as a wife?" Mommy and her questions, she wants us to be perfect, as she always tells us when we visit her

"Yes mommy,trust me,insha Allah I will make you proud" I promised confidently

"I trust you my dear,toh greet everyone,se anjima" she said, as it was almost time for salah

"Yawwwa xe ji insha Allah,ki gaishe min da dadddy da twins( my regards to daddy and the twins)"  and with that I ended the call,l just like in que, came in wafi's call

"Yoooo sis" I screamed immediately after she answered

"Kai ke kam,when will you grow, why the scream?"  She asked pissed

I laughed "ina wuni" I greeted

"Alhamdulilah, how are you?"

"I am fine Alhamdulila,how is Norrie and ya Abdul"

"They all fine Alhamdulila,how is haidar"

"He is fine Alhamdulila,wlh wafi I have things to discuss with you,they are very important and my life can easily be ruined if I don't take care and please if I tell you don't tell anyone it should be between me,you,haidar and Allah" I said, seriousness evident in my voice

"Insha Allah I will not tell anyone,but since it is serious it can't be said through the phone,it is better we meet" she suggested, I could feel the tension in her voice yet she is trying to act cool

"Yes fa,I think you should come later in the night please, that's if you are free"

"Ok I will try insha Allah,I will ask ya Abdul and get back  to you" came her reply

"Ok toh badamuwa,meeno nd co are coming back tomorrow fa" I informed, changing the previous topic

"Kiche Allah iyyeh, we have a lot of catching up to do "

"Yes fa,and rukky is coming tomorrow too" i said happily

"That girl cannot stay in one place" Wafi and her bad belle, they literally fight when they meet all the times

"Hmmmm,she is coming to my house ai" I informed with a small laugh

"Toh ai shikenan, let me be going. We will talk later " we ended the call and I prayed then went back downstairs to make some snacks

How was the chappy?

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