chapter ten

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It's another update

Haidar POV

"Salamu alaikum" I said the taslim as o stepped into the room

"Walaikumu salam welcome" she replied as she slowly opened her face by rising the veil off her face

"Go and perform abultion so that we can pray" I said taking off my baban Riga

"Okay" she muttered and stood up then entered the toilet. She performed abultion and came out, then went straight into the dresser and picked her hijab

"Let's pray,cox am having headache" I said standing on my mat

"Eyyyah,so sorry"  she said and moved close to touch my head so that she could feel the temperature, but he was quick to yank her hands off

"Don't dare touch me again,stand let's pray or I pray alone" I stated sternly

"Ok let's pray" she said sadly

We prayed together and did our duas

"Haidar am hungry" she said after we were done

"So how's that my business?" I asked typing away on my phone

"Haidar what did I do to you,why are you treating me like this?" bahija asked

"See lemme tell you something,I don't love you I just got married to you so that my parents will not say am not respecting their descion. So lemme warn you, don't dare enter my room, you have too cook everyday three times and it has to be delicious,don't dare let anyone know what is happening in this house" I ordered strictly

She remained cute and didn't answer, she looked traumatized but I don't care "Open up that nylon there is chiken,shawarma and pizza,the other nylon contains icecream,milkshake,and cold drinks" I informed her

"I will be back" was the only reply she said and stood up

"I am going to my room, when you are done keep the rest in the fridge,good night am going to sleep now" I said and closed the door behind me

Bahija's POV

immediately he left I cried my eyes out and also promised myself that I will not cry again because of haidar words. I ate and went to take my bath,I came out I wore my night gown,said my duas and off i went to lala land

Next day
It was a sunday

My alarm was ringing,I woke up and performed ablution and prayed. I folded the mat and my hijab,I went to the toilet and took my bath,I came out applied cream,sprayed my perfumes,then I put on my jewelries. I decided to wear a purple ankara gown which had touches of gold, and I arranged my room,then I went strolling all round the house,we have five rooms,two parlour,a dinning area,a spacious kitchen,then at the backyard we have a small garden

"I am going out for jogging" Haidar said when we met at the entrance

"And you are leaving me alone at home?" I asked surprised

"And so? You are not a little girl,by the way be done with my breakfast before I come back" he says with much audacity

"Mama said,I should not cook for two weeks" I answered back

That's your business,I have told you my own" he said and left

"Godd why do I have to suffer?" I asked no one in particular, my eyes were filled with tears but I suddenly remembered the promise I made to myself

I sat down,and turn on the TV,I then started watching an Indian film titled super30 on catch up,I stood up and made coffee and by the time I was done it just started,Hirthik Roshan was the hero in the film,I was watching when I heard the doorbell, I got scared and i thought it was a kidnapper, I just stood there like a mumu,I heard my phone ringing,I checked the caller ID and I saw it was Fatima, haidar's sister

"Hello mimi" I said immediately after answering

"Hello adda afra good morning" she greeted happily

"morning,how is mama and co" I asked

"they are all fine, please come and open the door I have been knocking since" she said

"Oh  its you people, j am so sorry lemme come nd open the door" I said and went to openthe door and saw fatima and her cousin zainab

" Adda afra" Mimi squealed as she hugged her

"Zainab was there frowning her face but she just hugged me and greeted me

"Come inside please" I welcomed them

"Lafiya lau zee,ya kike ya gajiyan jiya?" I asked after we start

"Alhamdulila,please is ya haidar around?" zainab asked, the girl get mind

"No he is not around,he went out for jogging" I replied with a smile

"Ok toh her is the food that mama sent" fatima said passing the food basket beside her

"Allah sarki, thank you so much" I collected and dropped it on the dinning table

"You are welcome,zee let's go ko?" fatima said standing up

"Habba this soon? Please stay a bit before he comes back,I don't like staying alone" I said after sitting down

"Ok zee let's wait for him to come back" she said and sat back

" you can wait I wanna go home,I have things to do and again am sleepy" Zainab said rudely

"Kai zee, okay you can go I will come back with uber" fatima replied and she bid them farewell before living

Haidar came back and then Fatima left,I served him, I left the parlour and went up to my room and slept

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