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The philosophers stone

Year 1

"You're awfully rude for someone who could fit in a t-spoon Malfoy, I happen to go by the name Y/n Laciox"

11 year old Y/n Laciox was sound asleep in her queen sized bed in her room. She woke up to the shine of her chandelier that was glowing from the morning sun that reflected off the crystals. She quintet her eyes and looked around for her clock. There it was, it was nearly 7.

She rubbed her tired eyes and got up and headed for her own personal bathroom that was in her room to take a shower. Later she wrapped herself with a tower and blow dried her y/h/c hair and later straight it. She was impressed with herself at how she knew how to blow dry and straighten her hair at the age of 11 all by herself.

She then walked out of her bathroom and headed for her wardrobe. She had to wear a white button-up with a black long skirt so that it would go with her robe that she'd change into on the train to Hogwarts. She sighed happily as she looked into the mirror. She loved the way she looked. She had a beautiful smile and mesmerizing y/e/c eyes, with glowing flawless y/h/c straight hair.

Her wealthiness showed it all. She was so very famous because of her Grandfather, William Laciox. William Laciox was a pureblood wizard who grew famous from being the best seeker of his time, winning Slytherin many Quidditch matches because he had incredible speed and balance on a broomstick, the skill moved onto your father who became the 2nd best seeker now, but you didn't seem to have that same skill yet. And because of the fame he got he was rich, and more rich.

He had died before she were born, and all his money was given to her father, who goes by the name Y/f/n Laciox, and her mother and father got money by the gallons just because he was the son of William Laciox, and she was also related to Merlin. Her mother and father also worked for the ministry of magic, and were popular also for that.

Y/n didn't know a world without no attention, everywhere she went she got looked at, some with smiles, or shocked faces. She never acted as if she were some queen. In fact, when she saw her fans around her she absorbed the attention and gave as much attention to her fans as possible with smiles, and happy waves.

Y/n had two pets to herself, she had a beautiful black cat, but one half of her face was white. Leaving the white sides eye a light orange, and the black side a icy blue colour. Her face looked like a half-moon, so that's what you named her, Halfmoon. Halfmoon was currently sitting on her bed, licking her shoulder while purring lightly. Y/n asked over to her and scratched behind her ears.

"Good morning girl, ready to come to Hogwarts with me?" She asked. Halfmoon purred in reply, assuming it was a yes, she made her way over to Mocha. Mocha was a whiteish mocha brown coloured owl with enchanting yellow eyes. It was her own, professionally trained owl, who she got a few days ago for Hogwarts. "Oh don't worry, I'd never leave you out either." She rubbed her nose with Mocha's beak.

"Y/N!! TIME TO GO!" Y/n heard her mothers call from downstairs. She looked away from the direction her mom was calling her and looked back at Mocha. Y/n flashed a small smile at Halfmoon and mocha. "Well, you heard her. Get in your caged guys."


Her mother and father both hugged Y/n tightly in their arms, and getting mauled with kisses. "Okay, okay. It's okay guys, I'm gonna miss you too. I'll be fine, I promise to send you lots of owls." She promised, looking at her father to her mother. Mrs. Laciox blew into a handkerchief and wiped her eyes. "Okay, off you go dear. We hope you make it into Slytherin!" Both her Slytherin parents waved her goodbye, and she entered the train, her belongings in her cart being taken by a fair gentlemen.

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