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Year 1
The philosophers stone

"What's your deal with him anyway?"

The sorting hat rested on your head. It blurted things about you out into the large group of first years waiting to be sorted into their houses, and the older students already sitting at their tables watching. "Ahhh.. its a Laciox! its like not even yesterday that both of your parents were sorted into their houses. Both in slytherin. That's where I outta put you. SLYTHERIN!" Shouted the hat.

The room howled with cheers, louder ones coming from the Slytherin table. She marched over to the slytherin table proudly and took a seat next to Malfoy. "Oh my. I must be the luckiest boy to share a house with no other than Y/n Laciox herself." Draco smiled. "Hm. Maybe we just are destined to be friends." Y/n winked at him, making him wink back.

Later after Dumbledore had explained the off limits area only for people who would not like to die a long an painful death, suddenly food appeared on the table. Y/n surprisingly wasn't amused in any way at all by what Dumbledore had said, and dug into the food that appeared magically in the table.

The smells made her mouth water. She glanced back at Malfoy, who wasn't too exited about eating. He was scowling at something. Y/n followed his nasty glare, it was Harry Potter he was looking at. "What your deal with him anyway?" Y/n snorted with attitude. Malfoy wiped his head and looked up at you with a sneer.

"Can you see that he's friends with that Weasley and that giant hobo Hagrid? Hanging around with people like them will bring nothing but weakness to the potter name and rub off on him. If he was friends with me-"

"yeah, yeah, yeah" Y/n interrupted. "I don't blame him. Perhaps if you were nicer and didn't insult Weasley in front of him you would be his friend. And you are half successful of making famous friends. I'm right here after all." Draco sneer faded into a relaxed face, he shrugged while tilting his head.

"pErHaps iF yOu dIdNt iNsuLt wEasLey He'D bE yOur fRiEnD." Crabbed mocked her in high pitched voice, crossing his eyes and making muppets with his hands. Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes aggressively.

She started eating, and soon enough after stuffing herself she groaned.

Later, the feast had ended and all students of their houses had followed their prefects to their common rooms. Slytherins common room was in a dungeon, the common room gloomy with dark green colours and a cosy fire place in the middle, to the right there was a small kitchen and a table with flowers in the middle able to fit maybe 6 people. To the left was a book shelf and a single arm chair for 1 person to sit on. The windows made a green colour from the water of the lake that shone through it. It didn't look half bad.

(Sorry the picture is side-ways, it just shows more of the common room when it's like that so just tilt ur phone)

(Sorry the picture is side-ways, it just shows more of the common room when it's like that so just tilt ur phone)

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"Welcome to the Slytherin common room." Said the prefect. "Girls dormitories to the left, boys to the right. You have a dorm already assigned to you, your stuff is waiting for you in there already. That's what Dorm you'll stay in for the rest of your year at Hogwarts."

Y/n gasped and whispered to herself, "Mocha and Halfmoon!" She remembered her pet cat and owl. "Who?" Malfoy whispered. Y/n leaned in and whispered in his ear. "My cat and owl, I haven't seen them since the train." Draco nodded, but slightly confused. Y/n guess he was wondering why she had 2 pets as the rule was only 1 pet allowed.

Draco and Y/n separated off to find their dorm rooms, and before y/n knew it Mocha and Halfmoon stood in their cages, looking bored as ever. She let them out and Halfmoon sprinted to her and rubbed herself on her feet.

"Hello." Said a high pitched voice. Y/n turned to a girl with brownish black hair and brown eyes, with fair skin. She looked friendly and not friendly at the same time, her face was weirdly shaped, making her look like a pug.

"Hello there. My name is Y/n Laciox. What's yours?" The girls eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Y-you're .. Y/n B-Brimheart??" She said. Y/n Brimheart nodded her head politely, and held out her hand for the girl to shake.

The girl held her hand firmly and introduced herself. "My name is Pansy Parkinson. I just want to say I'm honoured to share a dorm with you!" Pansy gushed, her smile bringing her pale cheeks to glow a pale pink. Halfmoon jumped onto Y/n shoulders, making Pansy's eyes shoot away from Y/n to her cat.

Her eyes widened. "Wow! Your cat is beautiful!" Y/n guessed she was talking about how halfmoon's face was half black, half white, making her eyes different colours. "What's it's name?" She asked, reaching out and scratching the top of her head. "Her name is Halfmoon. I got her for my 11th birthday." Y/n boasted.

"She's beautiful. Now if you don't mind." Pansy yawned mid-sentence. "I'm going to bed, had a long day today." Y/n nodded as she watched Pansy turn around and settle down into her bed with green sheets. "Sure. Me too."

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