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Year 2

The Chamber of Secret

"And don't you dare speak of my parents under the name of my greatest ancestor Merlin or i'll..."

It turns out Draco was fine when he was taken to the hospital wing. But Y/n knew he was just being dramatic. She wasn't surprised at all and just rolled her eyes when he whined through the whole thing. And at the end of the Quidditch match, her father came to her, a surprise visit and told her he had come to watch her play.

Y/n felt much better to know that her father was very very proud of making the most goals out of all her team mates. But Lucius never visited his son after the match, and left. Disappointed of his son for failing to catch the snitch before Potter did.

She didn't know if she wanted to comfort Draco or leave him alone because she didn't know if he knew his father had watched him.

She was a breakfast. Tension raised over night. People were going around saying that the monster of the Chamber of Secrets had petrified a muggleborn boy called Colin Creevy. Y/n didn't know if it was true because she had never even seen this boy before.

But Malfoy believed it and he was happier than ever. "What is wrong with you?" Y/n hissed. Malfoy looked back at her and gave her a nasty look. "You really think that just because a person isn't pureblood means that they aren't human and don't have friends or family who love them so much that they'd be absolutely crushed if they got killed?"

"Are you seriously bringing this up?" Draco spat. "You should be happy that all the mudbloods in this place are being checked off the checklist. Mudbloods are unworthy to study magic and should be tossed into the slaughterhouse. What will your parents think if their daughter had soft spots for muggles and their filthy muggle children?"

Y/n gasped.

"I do not have a soft spot for muggleborns, Malfoy. I just know that Magic or non magic, humans are still humans and have feelings and have people around them that love them deeply and would never be the same if they lost them. And saying that they should be tossed in the slaughterhouse is like saying they should be-" She choked on her words, a ball of emotion and heartbreak formed like a bad virus in her throat.

"And don't your dare speak of my parents under the name of my greatest ancestor Merlin or I'll...     I'll see you in the common room." She couldn't speak anymore as she tried to hold back tears and speed walked to the common room.


Dear mother and father,

I'm having a hard time. You see, a muggleborn in the school has been petrified by the monster. And.. as a Slytherin I shouldn't feel bad at all for muggleborns in the school being attacked by the monster but.. muggleborn or not, Humans are humans and have feelings too. They have friends and family who love them with all their hearts and would be destroyed if they lost their loved one. So I'm sorry if you don't accept these thoughts, but I've been so hard on myself for not being the right person I'm supposed to be.

Sincerely yours,

The 12 year old girl sighed, stuffing the letter in the envelope and sent Mocha flying out the common room, and sat there. Lost and sad. Meow? Halfmoon squeaked. The black and half white cat sensed Y/n's down mood, and rubbed herself on Y/n's feet.

She reached down and scratched behind the young cats ear. She leaped up into Y/n's lap and sat in a loaf sit, purring vibrantly "Boys, stupid aren't they?" Y/n asked, the comfort of her cat drew a smile on her lips. The cat purred in agreement.

"Y/n?" A voice whispered. She turned her head over her shoulder to see the 12 year old blonde boy peering slightly into the girls dormitory. She sighed and turned her head back to her purring cat. "Boys aren't allowed in the girls dormitory's Malfoy." She replied.

He ignored her. "I'm sorry." He said. "I am.. I understand that mudblo- I mean muggleborns are human too. It wasn't fair to you that you had a point and I disrespected it, I'm sorry."

"Okay, thanks for apologizing for the first time in your life, see? That wasn't so hard was it?" She spun her hair around to face Malfoy properly.  He glanced at Halfmoon and instantly sneezed. "Cats.." he growled.

"Oh yeah!" Y/n remembered that he was allergic to cats. "Go and and see your new friend, Halfmoon." And the black and white cat pranced over to the boy, his face widening with fear, and sneezed again. "No! Get away from me— ACHOO!"

Halfmoon pounced on Malfoy, who tumbled to the ground dramatically and sneezed again. "Call it off! It's gonna kill me! I'm dying!" He sneezed again, the cat pawed his face playfully but he cried and screamed. "Off!" Y/n ordered.

Her cat backed off of Malfoy and prodded to sit next to her feet. "Why did you—achoo!— do that! It almost killed me!" He complained. Y/n rolled her eyes and smirked. "You only sneezed a little, it's not that bad." She giggled. "Yeah well it gets worse!" He complained more.

"Alright, alright. My 1 year old precious kitty nearly killed you. You can tell the story to the whole school that your life almost flashed before your eyes later. I think we should go over some potions classics for 2nd years to get you caught up with the rest of the class. Snape pulled me aside yesterday and asked me to help you with it so come on. We don't have all night."

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