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The Chamber of Secrets

Year 2

"Tell me who can fit in a t-spoon now, eh?"

Diagon ally was packed with new parents and new first years rushing into different stores to shop for new school supplies. Y/n Laciox loved getting new supplies because if she wanted extra quills that looked better and worked better than the original quills she'd get it. Y/n Laciox was the daughter of her very very famous parents Y/m/n Laciox and Y/f/n Laciox.

Her and Mr. and Mrs. Laciox went to the quality Quiddich supplies shop to check out the new Nimbus 2001. It looked very shiny and very good looking. Y/n begged her mother and father to get it but they wouldn't spend money on something she didn't need for school. "But daddy look how pretty it looks! It's the fastest and newest broom out in the world right now! Please!!" Y/n begged.

Mr. and Mrs. Laciox exchanged glances with eachother, and they finally gave in. "Alright. Anything to make our daughter happy." Her father searched his pockets and pulled out 40 galleons. "Here take this. We'll go and pay for your nimbus while you go to flourish and blotts get your books. Take the list too."

Y/n hugged her father tightly around his waist. "Thank you! I promise I'll get on the quiddich team to make use of it. I won't let you down!" Y/n dashed away to flourish and blotts bookshop to see a huge line up going outside the door.

Y/n moved throughout the bookshop and grabbed everything she needed for school, then rushed to the register and payed for her heavy books, they piled on her arms and she could barley see. She needed to find a place to drop them in her bag. Suddenly she heard a "Laciox!" And looked in the direction it came from.

Draco Malfoy was leaning over the banister, looking down at her and waving at her to come and join him. She bounded over all the witches and wizards and dashed up the stairs.

Y/n could hardly see him through her books. "Hi." She said. Draco took half the books and held them for her, sighing with relief. She looked at him and he was taler than her now. Her head was up to his neck. His hair slicked back sill, and he looked more handsome, the chubbiness of his 11 year old face had gone, but some was still left.

"Now tell me." He said. "Tell me who can fit in a t-spoon now, eh?" He chuckled and nudged the annoyed 12 year old Brimheart. "Oh be quiet you." She giggled.

"I've missed you." She purred, looking deep into his grey eyes.

He blushed and laughed awkwardly. "I've missed you too, Laciox. Thanks for writing back to me this summer." He said. Y/n smiled and moved her eyes to the bottom of the crowed.

"Why wouldn't I? You're my best friend, other than Pansy."

Draco nodded and looked back down at the crowd as well. "Yeah I know. Why wouldn't anybody want to be friends with me?" He boasted and lifted his chin as he passed her books to Y/n while she safely put her them in her bag that hung over her shoulder.

"Because you're a jerk." Y/n snickered, leaning over the banister with her arms crossed, her left arm rubbing against his right. Draco gave her a dirty look and scoffed.

"I'm kidding! Hey guess what? My father is buying me the new nimbus 2001!" She boasted, lifting her brow.

"Is that so?" He asked, looking at you and lifting a brow. "Mhm." She hummed. Draco looked back down at the crowed of people.

Precious lies~ (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now