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Year 3

The Prisoner of Azkaban

"Oh! My deepest apologies, Mrs. Malfoy."

"Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village is a privilege." Professor McGonagall said as Draco had given Y/n's and his own permission form to Mr. Filch. "Why'd ya have two, Malfoy?" He growled. "Oh, it's for Ms. Lacriox over there sir." He replied. Filch excused Malfoy with a single grunt and he walked over to her, Crabbe, Goyal and Pansy.

"Drakey can you give Mr. Filch my permission form too, please?" Pansy purred, batting her eyes flirtatious-like. Draco sneered and her and looked her up and down. "No, do it yourself Parkinson. I only did it for Y/n because she was busy catching her breath from all the running she was doing trying to get here." He said.

Pansy stomped her foot and stormed her way to Mr.Filch, giving her form and then turned around and ran to the back of the crowd, refusing to meet any of the pairs of eyes on each of them as they watched her. Y/n snickered a laugh at the selfish girl.

"She's hilarious." She said.

"I wish I was a bit nicer to her actually, she was starting to warm up to me a bit unlike past few years." Draco replied as he gazed at Harry and Professor McGonagall.

Y/n's eyes widened again. She had remembered her vision in Defence Against the Dark Arts the previous day of Pansy and Draco in a deep kiss. She bit her tongue to hold back the tears of the memory.

"Don't worry darling, she's ugly anyway." Draco rubbed his hand along her back, sending shivers down her spine. "Hey you two!" Draco spat at his two henchmen. "Go with Parkinson, I want to spend the day with Y/n alone."

And with that the two huge and ugly boys walked away. The big crowd began to walk out of the castle behind Filch. The air was steady yet cool. Winter was definitely coming soon. "I can feel winter in the air." Y/n breathed, pulling the hood of her hoodie over her head.

"Yes, yes. I'm exited to get a butterbeer in the three broomsticks. Father said when he was in school it was really nice." Draco replied. He was wearing his usual black suit that he always wore during weekends.

"I agree. Poor Harry couldn't get his permission for signed." Y/n regretted what she had said about Harry instantly because Draco got an idea inside his head. "Ahh poor little sad Potter has no parents to sign it for him. Not even his uncle wanted to sign it. Ha! What a shame."

"Oh shut it." Y/n growled.

"What?" He pretended to sound taken aback.

"You know what! That's mean and it isn't his fault that his loving parents sacrificed themselves to save their son." Y/n lightly punched his shoulder.

"Oh be quiet I know you love me." Draco smirked.

"Oh don't you dare Mr. Laciox. You love ME." She replied smirking back.

"Oh! My deepest apologies, Mrs. Malfoy." Draco had bowed before her and planted a formal kiss on her hand. Swiping it away quickly she spat playfully; "get up." Before they continued the journey to Hogsmeade.


Sitting at a 2 person table, they had waited patiently for their butterbeers, the two had argued over who would pay but in the end, Draco won. "I always win." He had said.

"Oh don't you dare feed your ego over winning over who was going to pay for butterbeers, Malfoy. I can show you how to win at better things than paying for drinks." Y/n replied cooly.

"Like what?" Draco retorted smoothly.

"Catching a snitch." Y/n replied hotly.

The drinks were planted on the table now and Y/n flashed a thankful look and smiled at the waitress. "What do you know about catching a snitch, Laciox?" Draco said, rolling his eyes and taking a swig of his butterbeer. Y/n shrugged, taking a sip of hers too. "Just as much as you, I've never caught one. Fair?"

Draco looked at her suspiciously, but then agreed silently. His eyes shot up suddenly and he said, with a butterbeer mustache. "Oh! I forgot..." The handsome blonde haired boy pulled something from his pocket. A small purple box with a silver ribbon around it.

He slapped in on the table and slowly slid it towards her. "Open it." He whispered. Confused and curious, she pulled the small box closer and untied the white ribbon. She had a hard feeling that inside this box was going to be another ring. She was correct, but this ring she liked.

It looked just like Draco's, a snake that wrapped right around the finger. She smiled and her heart fluttered. "It's beautiful." She purred. "And look." Draco pointed on a spot on the ring where tiny words were carved into the silver iron: forever yours xoxo

"It's a promise ring, as friends of course." Draco said quickly. "You understand."

"Yes, yes it's very beautiful Draco, thank you very much but i'm sure promise rings are for couples." She said matter-of-factly but still mesmerized by ring. "Well.. whatever. the reason why I got it for you is to make you promise to be my number 1 loyal best friend for the rest of my time on this earth and to wear it always no matter what." Draco burped the last of his butterbeer as he spoke.

"Ugh, Draco where are your manners? And wipe your face please." The girl stared down at Draco's butterbeer moustache. Draco snickered. "Okay jeez sorry mom." He said sarcastically.

Y/n sighed and smiled, looking at her whole hand with the ring on it. The colour of her jade painted nails matched with the tiny, tiny emeralds of the snakes two eyes.

"And obviously I'll be your friend. You didn't need to give me a ring to ask me. And trust me I'll wear it forever." She said.

"Promise?" He replied.

"I promise. But only if you promise to never get with pugnose because she's an asshole." Y/n replied, glancing out the window.

"Oooo needy are we?" Draco teased.

"No. I just don't think she deserves you." She replied quickly, trying not to show any signs of her being jealous of their friendship.

"Fine, I promise, mon amour." Draco purred.

Y/n lifted a brow at his gibberish words at the end of his sentence. "What does that mean?"

"What mean?" He asked.

" 'mon amour'. What does that mean?" She repeated immediately.

"Oh I've been learning a bit of French recently. And I can't tell you what it means." He replied, taking his gorgeous grey-blue eyes off of her y/e/c ones to look at his ring, his cheeks were blushing a little.

"Why?" She said. "It better not be something mean."

"It's not mean at all." He replied.

Precious lies~ (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now