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The philosophers stone

    Year 1

"What's her problem?"

Halloween had arrived quicker than Y/n thought. The Halloween feast was spectacular. Lighted with glowing jack-o-lanterns that floated in the air and the sealing was be-witched to look like the sky, it was black and glittered with stars, the moon half covered by the grey clouds. The room smelled freshly of food, mostly meat.

Y/n and Draco were in a deep conversation about what their life was like before Hogwarts. Y/n explained to him that before Hogwarts she was homeschooled by her parents who taught her math, how to read and write, and a little bit about magic, and why they're famous.

She said that growing up with people rushing up to her and asking her for pictures and being washed by attention was confusing at first because when she was little because she didn't understand, but as she grew older she got used to it.

Draco agreed and said that he also grew up with plenty attention, but what he wanted the most was attention from his father. Y/n felt bad for him as he explained that even though his father spoiled him a lot, he didn't seem to be proud of Draco for what he does.

Y/n put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and smiled. "I can understand how you feel, but I'm always here you. I'll be proud of you no matter what." She chirped.

Draco smiled, turning his pale cheeks a bright pink. He opened his mouth to speak, but a terrified screeching voice that burst through the doors of the great hall, it was Professor Quarrel.

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!!!! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" He screamed. Draco's face went 10 times paler than usual and he looked like he was going to pee his pants.

"Just thought you should know..." Professor Quarrel whimpered, and fell to the ground in a faint. The great hall was silent..

And as if all time stopped, the great hall burst into loud screams. All Y/n could hear though was the terrible sound of Dracos uncontrollable shrieking. All the noise made Y/n's head throb and she felt like fainting too. There was a troll in Hogwarts, what if there was a student down there?

All she wanted to do now is the end the night and go to her dorm. "SIIIIILENCE!!!" Dumbledores shriek ended the the break out of screams. Y/n sighed in relief and looked at Dumbledore, her eyes darkening with tiredness.

"Every one please. Not panic." Y/n realized just then that Draco was tugging on the sleeve of her robe. Malfoy noticed too and let go with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Prefects will lead their houses back to their common rooms. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." Dumbledore said calmly and collectively. His calm voice calmed Y/n down and her shoulders relaxed.

"Slytherins come with me." Said the Prefect. Y/n sat up and trailed behind Pansy, Draco beside her shoulder to shoulder. "Who let a troll into the school?? My father will hear about this!" Malfoy whimpered.

"M-mine too." Y/n shuddered, fear rippling at her spine.


"A troll? In the dungeons?? That's outrageous! My father will hear about this!! Me and Y/n could have been hurt!" Draco said dramatically. Pansy gave him a sour look. "What about us?" She hissed, crossing her arms and walked slowly towards Crabbe and Goyal.

Malfoy slowly looked over to Pansy, as if he has never seen her before in his life. "Who even are you?" He sneered as he looked her up and down.

"Why would i care about someone such as the likes of you?" He snapped. Y/n's eyes flared with anger as she stared at Malfoy's long face. "Excuse me?" She shrieked. Malfoy glanced terrifyingly at y/n.

"That's my best friend you're talking to!!!!" She screamed.

Malfoy eyes widened in surprise. "Oh. Sorry." He said, not sounding sorry at all, but still taken aback at y/n outburst of rage.

Y/n rolled ur eyes, her head hot with anger. They all sat there for a few moments, awkward silence. The whole common room was silent stared at them.

"What are you all looking at?" Malfoy snarled. The common room became more louder now as they all went back to whispering the same question they had, 'how did a troll get in here?'.

"I don't think I can go to sleep tonight with that troll still in the castle. Not to mention our common room in the dungeons. Did you hear professor Quarrel? He said he found it in the dungeons." Y/n sighed.

"I just hope nobody skipped the feast to go down there, of course if it was mudblood I would be more than happy if they got squashed by the troll." Malfoy laughed menacingly.

"Guess the only thing we can do now is wait." Pansy walked away with a temper towards the stairs to the dormitories.

"What's her problem?" Crabbe said in his usual low pitched and annoying voice. Y/n crossed a leg over the other while sitting in the couch next to Malfoy.

"She's always sour like that I guess." She sighed, looking at her purple painted nails.

"Just let her rest and she'll be fine." She said again, but gave a sour look to Malfoy who just a few minutes ago insulted her friend.

He rolled his eyes.

Precious lies~ (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now