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Year 2
The chamber of secrets

"I'd love that."

This year had been a total rollercoaster. First in a good relationship with Draco, and now to barley talking to him at all because his pathetic hatred for Muggleborns. Y/n didn't care at all. Well maybe a little. She still like and cared for him of course, but he can be very stupid. The year was over. The threat of the Monster of the Chamber of Secrets was no more.

Of course, the famous Harry Potter was the one who saved Ginny Weasley, Ronald Weasley's younger sister and the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. It was Harry Potter who escaped Voldemort for the 3rd time. Except Voldemort's form was his 16 year old self.

Y/n was sitting beside Pansy and Blaise, but no where near Draco at the end of the year celebration feast, it was nearly time to go to bed. Gryffindor had won first place again, making the Slytherins miserable as ever. But Y/n didn't mind at all. 3 of her friends were in Gryffindor and she was nothing but always proud of her friends. Slytherin was in 3rd place. Hufflepuff being in second place.

Y/n could hear Draco's voice in her head right now; this is absolutely absurd! Slytherin should be in 1st! My father will hear about this! She rolled her eyes at the thought that he's probably saying right now.

Y/n watched as students came into the great hall and sat down at their house tables. Hoping to see everybody who had been petrified come into the great hall. And finally, the one who she wanted to see the most finally came in with a big smile. It was Hermione.

Automatically Y/n jumped up and rushed to her when she had finished her awkward handshake with Ron. Y/n began to walk, remembering that the last time she saw Hermione, they weren't exactly friends. She slowly walking up to her, looking at her feet and tapped Hermione on the shoulder.

"Um.. Hermione..?" She whispered. The bushy haired girl turned around, her eyes lighting up when she saw the Slytherin girl standing behind her. "Hi.. um.. so I hope that Ron and Harry already told you this but I'm really sor—"

Hermione wrapped her arms around the Rich girls neck and pulled her into a tight hug. "It's okay Y/n. I forgive you. Maybe we could be friends." She giggled. Y/n smiled and whispered back. "I'd love that."


Kings cross was busy as always during this day. This last day before summer break. Y/n was excited to go home to her huge mansion full of creamy white colours and flowing curtains. The smell of vanilla and fresh air. Well, her home had many different smells. Her library, which smelled of fresh parchment. Her swimming pool which smelled like chlorine. 3 kitchens that always smelled like freshly baked cakes.

Meow? Halfmoon squeaked as she followed her owner off the train. "Yes Halfmoon, we're going home." She promised. The girl and her 2 loving pets ran through the barrier of 9 3/4 and kings cross, where she saw her wealthy parents standing out the most out of all parents with their glittery diamond clothing and whatnot.

Again, she embraced her parents in a tight hug, being mauled by affection. But then she remembered about her softness on muggleborns, and her letter about how she felt bad for the muggleborns. She pulled away from her hug and looked. "Um.. mother, father.. I'm still thinking about.. remember the letter I sent you about me being scared for the muggleborns..?" She asked.

Mr. and Mrs. Laciox exchanged glances. "Oh honey, we aren't mad at you." Her mother said.

"How could we be mad at our precious girl? We read the owl and of course we weren't mad. You had a very good point and we could never be mad." Said her father.

She looked at the both of them with a confused look. "Even if I am a Slytherin?" She asked.

"Of course my dear, You can be a very nice and reasonable girl and be cunning, resourceful, ambitious and value leadership to be a Slytherin. Nothing says you have to hate Muggleborns be a true Slytherin." Her mother comforted, putting a hand on her shoulder and pulling her in a great hug again.

"Thanks mom. I don't know I what I'd do without you two." Y/n was about to cry. Her parents were the best thing that ever happened to her. They gave what she wanted, they provided her with a perfect home and food, but the best yet was that they were the most supportive any parent could ever be.

"Excuse me." She excused her self politely from her parents to look for a tall platinum blonde selfish yet slightly handsome boy. She found him. With his father as obvious, but Mr. Malfoy did seem to be happier to see his son more than last year.

He looked at her slightly, but looked down again. "So that's it then? Not gonna talk to me anymore because I'm a nice person and don't wish death upon anybody muggle-born?" She crossed her arms and lifted a brow.

"Fine. I'll send you an owl or something. I've gotta go." And he trailed slightly behind after his father and disappeared into the crowd.

Y/n sighed and shook her head, and rejoined her mother and father.

Precious lies~ (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now