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The philosophers stone

Year 1

" 'our baby girl' "

Earlier that evening in the slytherin common room, Malfoy was enraged to see that Harry Potter was still in school. Not only that but when professor MgGonagall had seen Harry catch the remebrall while diving down at high speed, he was made the new seeker of Gryffindor, and the youngest one in centuries.

"This is unbelievable!!" Malfoy shrieked, his face as red as a ruby. "He should have been expelled! He wasn't allowed to fly when Madam Hooch took Longbottom to the Hospital wing. My father will hear about this." Draco was pacing back and forth across the fireplace while Y/n, Crabbe, Goyal and Pansy sat on the couches.

Y/n couldn't help but shrug as she mixed her tea flavour with a tiny spoon in her little tea-cup. "You do know that you were flying too, right? You could have been expelled aswell." She said, then taking a small sip of her tea. Draco shook his head furiously.

"Who cares about that?" He hissed.

"I need to find another way to get him expelled." He said again. Y/n finished her tea and rubbed her tired eyes. "Do what you wanna do. I'm going to bed. Coming Pansy?" Y/n asked, stretching as she looked back at her.

She nodded and followed her to the the girls dormitories, where she'd greet Halfmoon and Mocha, and fall asleep.


Y/n sat at the long Slytherin table the next morning with Draco who still scowling at Harry as usual while with his friends at breakfast.

"So, how do you think your gonna try to expel him this time?" Y/n asked, trying not to sound sarcastic.

Draco looked at her, then at Harry again before biting his toast. "I'm not sure yet. I'll poke around and watch them for a bit."

Y/n shoved eggs in her month and swallowed before speaking again. "Hm. Well try not to lose us points if your gonna followed them in areas only where you aren't allowed to be"

Malfoy scoffed. "Uh, yeah sure."


It was now the afternoon, school had just ended, nothing special happened, just a normal day at school.

Her owl Mocha, in fact, many owls burst into the great hall delivering letters and other things to their owners came swooping down over the four long tables.

Y/n saw her creamy whiteish brown owl come swooping with wide black eyes. She dropped you a letter with pretty purple parchment for the envelope and glowing light blue ink.

It was from her mom and dad, the first time they've written to her when she started her first year. She smiled, happy to know her parents wanted to reach out to her.

She ripped open her letter and there with pretty hand writing said:

Dear, Our Baby Girl

Hello sweetheart, how was your first week at
Hogwarts? We've been wanting to know
eagerly how our girl has been doing with
learning all about the wizarding ways. Is it
as good as you thought? Did you make it into
Slytherin or are you in a different house?
Either way, Mommy and Daddy love you.

Lots of love, Mom and Pa

" 'Our Baby Girl' " Said Draco, peering over her shoulder and looking at her note.

Y/n hid her disgust of his nosiness by biting her tongue. "What are you? 8?" Draco teased.

Y/n shoved his teasing smile away with her hand, making him flinch. "Keep your nose out of my letters Malfoy." Y/n hissed.

"And it's not my problem your parents don't love you and don't write to you." She teased back as she folded the letter back in its envelope.

Malfoy gave you a mad look. "Shut up. My parents do love me." He said.

Y/n lifted a brow and smirked. "Where is your letter then?" She giggled as she looked around his space and saw no owl, no letter, no nothing.

Malfoy scrunched up his face in a sneer, his face red aand scoffed. "I wrote to them first, duh. They might have not gotten it yet."

Y/n nodded as she took a sip of her drink. "Sure." She said sarcastically, hiding her pity for him.

Draco looked down and crossed his arms, looking annoyed and angry. "Shut up." He hissed.

Y/n stopped trying to annoy him and changed the subject, something that would include teasing a muggleborn.

"That muggle-born.. Hermione Granger, she gets on my nerves. She thinks she knows everything. Every time her name is called in class she's always like 'tHaT iS a So aNd sO aND iT dOeS tHis aNd tHis' like we get it ur so smart." Y/n said, mocking Hermonie's high pitched voice.

Draco lifted a brow at the conversation that was going on, amused. "Mudbloods." Draco growled.

"Why do they even allow those things in Hogwarts? Born from Muggles. They aren't even pureblood." Draco said, nodded his head.

But really, Y/n didn't care about blood statues. Nor did she really hate Hermione either. She sounded like a sweet, smart girl but Y/n wouldn't want to be friends with a muggleborn. Her parents wouldn't accept it.

"Anyway. I think I'll head back to the common room. I'd like to write back to mum and dad." She purred softly, sitting up from the table and flashing a smile back and Draco and waving.

Draco winked back at you and waved as you went.

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