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The philosophers stone

Year 1

"Keep dreaming Malfoy."

Flying lessons was no less than 10 minutes away and Y/n was more than exited to start learning to fly on a broomstick. Slytherins and Gryffindors would be in classes together, so it would be no doubt that Harry Potter would be there too.

She hoped to meet Harry and talk to him a bit. He was after all the boy who lived a terrible unforgivable curse. Everybody was keen to meet him. But Malfoy despised Potter all because he didn't want to be his friend.

But who would want to be friends with someone who insulted their best friend? The Weasleys may be a bit musty and dirty, but Y/n knew better than to judge off what people looked like.

Ron Weasley was cutie pie, in Y/n opinion at least. And if Ron needed her help, Y/n would be more than happy tho help him.

"Pft. I don't need flying lessons. I've been flying on the countryside since I was born. And I'll be the first to show Potter how his superiors can really fly." Malfoy boasted, puffing out his chest.

Y/n looked at him up and down, and scoffed. "Keep dreaming Malfoy."

Draco turned to you with a face full of rage and disgust. "You try flying then." He spat.

Y/n smirked down at him. "Don't get your wand in a knot Malfoy, and you should try learning the simple basics if potion making you git."

"How dare you speak to me like that Laciox, I'm warning you, I'll let my father know about this." Draco snarled.

"No you listen to me, one owl to my father and your whole family is done. You're a bit big for your bridges, Malfoy. Especially for someone who can fit in a Doll house." Y/n snarled back, towering over him.

Malfoy was quite short, as she already knew, and making fun of his height did not make her feel bad in the slightest. Malfoy seemed to smarten up when the 5 of the friends walked out of the castle and met the class.

Madam Hooch, a middle-aged lady with grey spiky hair and eyes that looked like cats eyes signalled them alltowards the class, some students not arrived yet. Y/n and Draco (and Pansy, Crabbe and Goyal) stood to next to their brooms and waited for the rest of the class to join.

When the rest of the class joined and stood beside their brooms (including Harry and Ron) Madam Hooch started giving introductions to mount the broom. "Now to mount your broom, hold out your right hand and shout 'up'"

The class erupted with shouts of the same word. Draco's broom instantly went up and soon as he commanded. He looked at her and smirked along with a raising eyebrow. Ron on the other side got a broomstick to the face shouting at it.

Draco lifted a snickered at Y/n as she was struggling to grasp her broom. She rolled her eyes at Draco and continued to shout 'UP!' But it only rose from the ground and slowly made it's way back to the grass beneath your feet. "Having trouble Laciox?" Draco teased.

"Shut your hole, Malfoy." Y/n snapped.

"Now, once you got hold of your broom I want you to mount it." Y/n took her eyes off Draco and to Madam Hooch and just picked her broom off from the ground and mounted it along like the rest of the class.

"Now, to hover on it I want you to push off from the ground, just a little. I don't want you going to high. Lean downward to come back to the ground."Madam hooch said as he paced up and down the middle row of students.

Y/n pushed off slightly, and hovered just inches from the ground. She shook on the stick and felt like she was gonna fall, her balance was awful. Draco on the other hand was hovering perfectly and sat with his back straight.

Y/n panicked and leaned downwards like Madam Hooch said and she stammered of the ground, her heart shaking. Y/n found herself looking at Neville, only to see that he was flying higher and higher every second and he began to panic.

Y/n eyes shot wide as he was now flying in different directions, his broom going out of control. He flew around the entire space, shrieks and gasps sending chills down Y/n's spine. Neville could die at the hight he was in.

Neville lost balance on his broom and fell off, but luckily his robe as caught by a statue's sword. He hung there for less then 3 seconds before his robe ripped and he fell again.

Y/n gasped in horror and watched him fall again, his robe yet again caught by something on the brick, and finally fell down on the ground with a loud 'THUMP' and little cries and whimpers coming from the poor boy who lied helplessly on the ground.

Y/n's was heart broken. "Move! Move out of the way!" Madam Hooch growled in panic. She marched towards Neville and crouched down next to him, looking at his injuries. "Broken wrist." She sighed.

At the corner of Y/n's eye, she saw Draco neal down on the floor and pick something up. Madam Hooch lakes Neville to the hospital wing, saying if she saw anybody flying on their brooms while she was gone will be out of Hogwarts before they could say 'Quidditch'.

"Did you see his face?" Malfoy laughed. playing with Nevilles remebrall. "Maybe if the fat lump have giving this a squeeze, he'd remember to fall on his fat ass." Draco laughed again more menacingly, Crabbe and Goyal snickering behind him.

Y/n was enraged by this. Neville could have died and all Draco was doing was insulting him. She looked as red as a tomato and she was about to strangle him, but Harry's voice stopped her.

"Give it here Malfoy." Harry shouted, pushing out of the crowd and meeting Draco eyes. Draco turned around to face him. "No. I think I'll leave this for Longbottom to find." Draco mounted his broom and floated off.

"How about on the roof?" He shouted. Everybody watched Harry mount his broom, determined to follow Draco to get Nevilles remebrall back, but Hermione Granger stoped him. "Harry, No way. You heard what Madam Hooch said, and besides, you don't even know how to fly."

Harry ignored her and flew up to Draco. Gasps of amazement erupted the silence as Harry flew up to Draco as if he'd done it before. "Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry spat.

Draco continued to play with the ball. "Is that so?" He said. Harry dived for the ball but Draco dodged him and he missed. He looked back at Harry and smirked evilly. "Have it your way then." And then threw the ball away from Harry's direction.

Harry acted fast and darted for the ball quickly. The whole class moved their eyes to Harry. Y/n sensed tension all around her as Harry was getting closer and closer to the ground without getting the ball.

But soon enough Harry had just caught the ball inches away from the ground and the kids remaining on the ground burst into cheers. Y/n was more focused on Draco though, who was completely red with rage, that is until a voice that made everybody jump.

"HARRY POTTER." Professor McGonagall shouted.

Precious lies~ (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now