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The chamber of secrets

Year 2

"Wait, are you sure we should go out now? It's getting late."

Y/n felt more than happy to be back in Hogwarts. Surrounded by her old friends, eating with her housemates, watching new students be sorted into their houses. It all felt like home again. "Hey! I heard next year we'll be able to go to hogsmeade." Said Pansy. "So I've heard." Y/n replied.

Y/n looked to the Gryffindor table and noticed that Potter and Weasley weren't on the table. Hermione and the rest of the Weasleys were. "That's strange.." Y/n mumbled. "Hm?" Hummed Draco.

"Potter and Weasley aren't here." She said causally, trying to sound like she doesn't care. "Thank Merlin." Replied Draco, snickering under his breath. Y/n rolled her eyes and dug into her food, and a little later they set off to bed.


The next morning their first class of the day was herbology with professor Sprout, the Hufflepuff house leader. Y/n wasn't too fond of herbology, but she didn't really mind. Y/n really cared about all her subjects so she read a few things about Mandrakes and more herbs. She stood between Draco and a girl with red hair. She was talking with Malfoy until professor Sprouts voice silenced the class. "Good morning everyone!" She shouted.

"Good morning, Professor Sprout." The class greeted back. "Welcome to Greenhouse Three, second years. Gather around everyone." She shouted again. All the people around the table stepped up to a pot in front of them.

"Today we are going to re-pot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" She asked. Y/n's hand shot up faster than a bullet, so did Hermione's. This annoyed Y/n and she rolled her eyes.

Sprouts eyes moved to Hermonie, then Y/n. "Yes, Miss. Laciox." Said Sprout, smiling at Y/n faithfully. Hermonie sighed and looked over at Y/n, a dirty look on her face. "Mandrake, or Mandragora is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state, Professor. It's also very dangerous. The Mandrakes shriek is fatal to anyone who hears it." Y/n said, beaming.

"Brilliant! 10 points to Slytherin!" Shouted Sprout. Y/n beamed and turned her gaze to Malfoy, who beamed back at her. "Nicely done. You've earned yourself some free flying lessons." He whispered.
"Excellent." And the lessons continued.


School had ended. Y/n's last class was flying lessons. She had mastered hovering on the ground perfectly, unlike last year, she nearly fell off her broom. She only got lucky when she had payed attention to Madam Hooches instructions of lowering the broom a tad bit to go down.

The whole Slytherin Quidditch team sat with them at dinner, thanking Malfoy for buying them all the nimbus 2001's. But Y/n only knew he bought them all Nimbus's just to get in the Quidditch team. She wasn't on the team just yet. She needed to learn to fly first and then do her flying exam to get on the team.

On her plate was steak, corn, carrots and potatoes. It was the best food she'd have in a while. "How was your flying lessons?" Malfoy asked her. "It was good, learned how to hover up high and all. It would be a greater help if you taught me too." She shoved some potatoes in her mouth.

"I will. You earned us 10 points so I will after this." He assured her. "Thanks." She replies.

Draco turned his head to a big and very old looking owl with ruffled feathers flew into the great hall. It landed at the Gryffindor table and landed right in between Ron and Harry in a bowl of chips. The group of Slytherins laughed together. Draco noticed then it was Ron's owl when he took the letter from his mouth. "Of course it's Weasleys owl! That thing can't even land properly!" Draco chuckled. They all laughed, y/n giggled slightly too.

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